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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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I was really nervous for this one because so many people said it wasn‘t as good as the others. I loved it, personally. I couldn‘t stand Anna‘s sister or family, but I enjoyed her mother coming around at the end. I loved Seeing Quan again. I wanted to give him a cuddle when it came out that he had cancer. He‘s so sweet. It was fun seeing Michael. He was in this one a lot. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics I kept hoping that Quan would introduce Anna to Stella, but it didn‘t happen, at least not that we saw. There was even a little bit of Khai. 11mo
zezeki I like this one a lot also! 11mo
GingerAntics @zezeki this one was so validating to me! 11mo
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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I hate her family. I hate what has happened between her and Quan. I absolutely hate Pricilla and her bull shit. I absolutely, 100% hate her entire family and how they treat Anna.
#HelenHoang #TheHeartPrinciple #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook #autismpride #autismisnttheproblem

julesG Right there with you 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG this is so painful!!! Is it safe to skip to when Anna and and Quan get back together? What part is that? The after part? 11mo
julesG Can't remember. I hated Anna's family so much that overshadowed the whole book/review. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG I was feeling that, but since I‘ve gotten past that part, I‘m actually proud of her for continuing to stand up to her sister. Pricilla deserves to be told off repeatedly until she feels the way she used to make Anna feel. 11mo
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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This woman seriously needs to needs to get it through her thick, self-centred head that Anna is an actual human being!!! I swear I‘m going to hurt her.
#HelenHoang #TheHeartPrinciple #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook #autismpride

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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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We all need a Quan or a Michael! I knew these guys exist (though they may be an endangered species). We just need more of them.
#HelenHoang #TheHeartPrinciple #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook #autismpride #autismisnottheproblem

The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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This isn‘t exactly the response I got. Mine was more like “but you‘re nothing like Rainman.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ If one more person compares me to Rainman, I‘m going to lose it. Congratulations Captain Obvious, I‘m not a man with amazing visual mathematics skills. That first one should have been pretty damn obvious, I think the second is also obvious, but what do I know. 100%, my family believes I‘m not autistic.

julesG Yepp. Got similar responses. Plus, I can't have MS since I'm not bound to a wheelchair. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 11mo
kspenmoll As you know, Autism manifests itself differently in women & often is not recognized until later in life. And it certainly is a wide spectrum. My son‘s a text book case- was reading at three( road signs first), could get us from A to Z on any road that he had traveled on once before, social skills & motor issues a big clue. He is the most caring, kind,present, marvelous son who has found his freedom in releasing himself from a goal of “fitting in”. 11mo
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quietlycuriouskate So, there I was, hugely relieved (albeit shocked at nearly 50) to discover there's a reason for my lifelong difficulties and I'm not just freakishly inept and my husband actually said, "you don't have to be this way, though: brains can change." ? 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG oh FFS that is NOT how that works. It‘s MS that puts people in wheelchairs (if you have the right kind, apparently the other kind doesn‘t), not the wheelchair giving people MS! FOR. THE. LOVE!!! 🤬🥃 🤦🏼‍♀️ 11mo
GingerAntics @kspenmoll LOVE your son for finding himself in giving up fitting in. I have a lot of those symptoms actually. For the longest time I joked that if I had been born 10-15 years later, I would have been diagnosed with autism. Never thought I‘d be diagnosed at 36. 11mo
GingerAntics @kathedron OH FFS NO THEY CANNOT!!! Yes, brains can rewire themselves after injury, even rather severe injury. In that sense, they are very plastic and amazing. They can‘t just magically change their own chemistry, and autism is not just in the brain!!! I would have threatened him with divorce papers. Like Quan said “none of all this nonsense matters. If it helps you understand yourself and helps you feel understood and seen… (edited) 11mo
GingerAntics @kathedron … that‘s all that matters.” You seriously are amazing to not have slapped him upside the head and left him for that. “Sure you are inherently this way, but you can choose to change the core of your being if you want to enough.” 🤬🥃🤬 He‘s one of those geniuses that thinks you can make yourself not clinically depressed or clinically anxious just by thinking happy thoughts, isn‘t he? I can‘t even with this crap! Big hugs!!! 11mo
GingerAntics @kathedron you are an amazingly, beautiful, wonderfully autistic person. Why would you ever want to give up all the plus sides just to make other people happy? 🤬 that. 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG @kspenmoll @kathedron here I was, afraid to “come out autistic” to people and of course I would find my people on Litsy! (I have to admit, I‘ve found some people on IG, too.) I love this all so much!!! I love all of you so much, too!!! 🧡🧡🧡 11mo
quietlycuriouskate @GingerAntics Thing is, he's prone to depression so he knows how bloody hard it is. I get that he doesn't want me to limit my options by adopting a label but he fails to see how, in this case, it can actually be liberating. God knows I'm exhausted trying to teach myself to act NT my whole life! What riles me is, he'd NEVER say, "you don't have to be queer: brains can change" but my ND status is a whole other story. 11mo
quietlycuriouskate Once again, the Litsy community proves itself to be somewhere I feel safe showing up as my real self. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ❤️ 11mo
GingerAntics @kathedron okay, so there is room for some redemption there. Hm. It‘s frustrating that his depression technically labels him as neurodivergent as well. It seems odd he would so easily dismiss someone else‘s ND status. Oh I hate having to fake being NT. I recently read about autistic burnout and it is such a good description. Sometimes, I just need time and space to nap and be ND to the fullest. 11mo
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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kspenmoll I was surprised that I enjoyed this book as much as I did. 11mo
GingerAntics @kspenmoll I am seriously loving this one. I loved the first two, but heard mixed-leaning-toward-negative reviews about this one. I am not getting anything negative from this one at all. 11mo
kspenmoll @GingerAntics In my experience, her portrayal of a female with Autism is so accurate. 11mo
GingerAntics @kspenmoll in mine as well. I swear, I feel like she‘s describing me. It‘s a joy to listen to, even the sad/hard/rage inducing parts. 11mo
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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TheBookHippie Been there.. 11mo
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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julesG No, me. 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
GingerAntics @julesG maybe she‘s bouncing between us 🤣😂🤣 11mo
ravenlee I mean, take away the bathrobe part and it‘s how I‘m raising my daughter…ok, we rarely get delivery either…but watching BBC/DA documentaries with dinner is kind of our thing. 11mo
GingerAntics @ravenlee I don‘t even own a robe, but yeah. The rest of it stands. lol You‘re raising that girl right! 11mo
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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The Bride Test | Helen Hoang
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Khai needs this one, too. To touch him firmly right in the heart. Then, his family needs to be beat over the head with it.
#HelenHoang #TheBrideTest #autism
#Aspergers #neurodivergent #busbooks #audiobook #autismpride #bridezilla #autismisnottheproblem