It's here, and it's pretty! 😍
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It's here, and it's pretty! 😍
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This book is a must read. I read it a while back and absolutely loved it. I know this book starts at the beginning of summer, but I think it's a perfect read for the end of summer and early fall.
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Having a slow morning with my book and a dark hot choc in my favourite coffee shop before starting work.
Rather like the pattern these tiles make.
Time for #artsy book photograph.
#coffeeshopreads #morning
I went to an author event the other day and got to meet some amazing authors.
Tags: #popgoesmyheart #ibelieveinathingcalledlove #kpop #maureengoo #whendimplemetrishi #sandhyamenon #ashleyposton #geekerella #texas #dallas #author #auhorevent #signing #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #youtube #youtuber #booktube #booktuber #epicreads #epicread #bookworm #artsy #yalit #yaliterature #youngadultbook #yabook
This book is freaking amazing. I read it in one sitting. It's fantastic.
Tags: #thetraitorskiss #erinbeaty #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #youtube #youtuber #booktube #booktuber #epicreads #epicread #bookworm #artsy #yalit #yaliterature #youngadultbook #yabook
I reread ACOTAR at the beginning of this month and fell in love. After the first I moved to the second (ACOMAF), and now I am on the third (ACOWAR). I wasn't a huge fan of the Throne of Glass series by SJM, but I am loving this series.
Tags: #acotar #acomaf #acowar #sjm #sarahjmaas #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #youtube #youtuber #booktube #booktuber #epicreads #epicread #bookworm #artsy #yalit #yaliterature #youngadultbook #yabook
Not the best picture, but I just got HPD in the mail and was too excited to set up an artsy picture. I now have a matching set. I love this series. Have you read it?
Tags: #sjtr #stalkingjacktheripper #huntingprincedracula #hpd #kerrimaniscalco #jamespatterson #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #youtube #youtuber #booktube #booktuber #epicreads #epicread #book #books #bookworm #artsy #yalit #yaliterature #youngadultbook #youngadultbookd #yabook
Audiobook version of the Hobbit✔️
Headphones ✔️
Coffee ✔️
Lots of work ✔️ (boo)
Crappy picture taken with ancient iPad so added a funky filter to try and be artsy ✔️
I believe I am all set for #lotrchapteraday 😀
Today's read is Roar by Cora Carmack! 📚
We where supposed to move out today, but the moving truck never came to get our stuff. There is nothing to do so I decided to pick this up. I'm loving it.
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I've been reading this book all day. I am absolutely loving it. Have you read it? If so what do you think?
Tags: #loveandgelato #jannaevabswelch #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #youtube #youtuber #booktube #booktuber #epicreads #epicread #book #books #bookworm #artsy #yalit #yaliterature #youngadultbook #youngadultbookd #yabook #yabooks #love #yareads #read #reading