Cards going out tomorrow! Thanks for putting this together, @TheBookHippie! #allyouneedislove #ofanykind #passiton 🩷❤️💜
Cards going out tomorrow! Thanks for putting this together, @TheBookHippie! #allyouneedislove #ofanykind #passiton 🩷❤️💜
He links this to childbirth in as odd way, but it is a really good quote to think about, especially with the world as it currently is. In fact, it kind of makes me think of a Beatles song... 🎶🎵🎶“All You Need is Love”🎶🎵🎶
#TheBeatles #AllYouNeedIsLove #GrantlyDickRead #ChildbirthWithoutFear #Childbirth #Research #Love
#HeyJune #AllYouNeedisLove
I missed posting a couple days ago, but I still wanted to show off my Beatles themed pair of Vans. I waited months to buy these shoes until the price went down and I could justify buying them.
#Allyouneedislove ❤️. Playing catch up with #HeyJune
The Beatles spoke a whole lot about love. Some very wise words on life and love and happiness. This line from The End is perhaps the truest statement they ever spoke, and my absolute fave. #allyouneedislove #heyjune (playing catch up again)
Excited to watch this on the plane to Chicago for work training. I haven't read the book yet because I'm using it for the #popsugarreadingchallenge for book made into a movie you've already seen. #readinggresolutions #traveltuesday #heyjune #psiloveyou #allyouneedislove #pride #riotgrams #queerreads
#HeyJune #AllYouNeedIsLove https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dsxtImDVMig
Can‘t wait to delve into this world by the talented @EloisaJames !!! ❤️
#AllYouNeedIsLove. All I need is notebooks that I never write in. This Moleskine is the best of both worlds. It is now on my want list ❤️