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Ooops! | Suzy Kline, Dora Leder
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 12mo
AnnCrystal 🤩📚 wow, terrific 👍 shopping spree! I used to have a $10 bookstore in my town. Was always 😊 fun 📚👍. (edited) 12mo
AmyG Hahahaha! I want to see what‘s inside all those bags. 12mo
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kspenmoll What fun! 12mo
Ruthiella Awesome! I love Thriftbooks! 12mo
Deblovestoread It‘s like Christmas! 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow!!! You deserve it! Show us what you got!! 📚❤️ 12mo
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Marcel the Shell with Shoes on: Things about Me | Jenny Slate, Dean Fleischer-Camp
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(Please watch my favorite 2022 movie. It is so special.)

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#AboutMe #AuldLangSpine
Here's a few things about me:
-I live with my fiancee of 7 years (yep, that's years not months 😄) in NJ.
-We've got two amazing 1-yr-old brother cats - Jem (middle right) and Scout (bottom right).
-The kids are my nephew and niece (ages 3 & 5).
-My partner and I love going to concerts & museums.
-Music is my favorite hobby next to reading - I love indie rock and hip hop most.
-Have gotten into birding in recent years 🐦‍⬛

GatheringBooks Gorgeous photos! Love knowing more about you, Billy! 🌷 2y
Reggie Very nice, Billy. 2y
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LeahBergen Love this! 😀 2y
Leftcoastzen Cool ! It‘s great to see these wonderful photos! 2y
BarbaraBB Lovely photos! A lot of love ❤️❤️ 2y
squirrelbrain Lovely photos! ❤️ 2y
batsy Love this! So fun to see these photos. And Jem and Scout 😁💕 2y
RebelReader Well done!! ❤️❤️ 2y
Reggie Vinny I know you‘re name is not Billy. My goodness. Sorry. 2y
Billypar @Reggie No worries! As my alter ego on Litsy, 'Billy' works too 🙂 2y
ncsufoxes ❤️, thanks for sharing. I grew up in NJ. Born in Jersey City but grew up in a tiny town on the PA border near Lafayette College. I love going to museums too, my minor in college was Art History. I‘ve instilled a love in art in my oldest. He‘ll go to museums with me & he even took AP Art History in high school. (edited) 2y
Billypar @ncsufoxes I actually grew up in PA not too far south of there in Lansdale. Great that your son is so into art! My appreciation for it came much later- my parents only took us to the Philly Museum of Art once and it was for a Cézanne exhibition, which won't win over most kids to art I think 🍐🍇🍎 2y
Texreader Loved getting to know you! And ❤️🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ 2y
Billypar @Texreader Thanks! I like seeing everyone's photos. And it's funny to me how easy it is to become obsessed with cat pics in just one year 😺 🐈‍⬛ 2y
Suet624 This post is just the best! Thank you for sharing. 2y
Billypar @Suet624 Thanks! I'm not on Instagram, so Litsy is my sole photo sharing outlet 🙂 2y
Suet624 Then you MUST do it more often. ❤️❤️🙂🙂 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I‘m delighted with your list Liz 🤩 I‘ve not read any of them! There are some I‘ve been interested in for a while, some I‘ve passed over without taking much notice & some I‘ve not heard of. I think I‘ll start with Girl, Woman, Other because I have a copy of that, then go on to the Margaret Laurence (since I loved The Stone Angel) & H(a)ppy because I‘ve heard of Nicola Barker but never read her. I‘m including my #AboutMe here too.

monalyisha I added one to my personal TBR from this list! I actually put a hold on it just this afternoon. 🐢 2y
CarolynM @monalyisha That‘s one I‘ve thought about for a while, I might get to it later. I didn‘t want to only choose books I was already interested in from Liz‘s list. I think I‘ll probably keep referring to it through the year🙂 2y
BarbaraBB Such a great list @Liz_M ! You‘re in for a treat Carolyn! 2y
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Chelsea.Poole Love your list @liz_m! Migrations was on mine last year...love both by McConaghy! 2y
Liz_M @monalyisha Happy to oblige 😁 2y
Liz_M @CarolynM Well, this is a delightful approach to reading from the list. 2y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB, @Chelsea.Poole Thank you! 2y
Rissreads What is this Auldlangspine? 2y
CarolynM @Rissreads It used to be called NewYearWhoDis @monalyisha changed the name this year. She matches people according to their lists of favourite books for the year (pairing people who list similar, but different books) & the commitment is to read at least one book from each other‘s list in January. All the matches are done this year, but look out for it next November. It‘s a fun way to interact with some different Littens & get good recommendations. 2y
Rissreads Thanks @CarolynM I will try to remember to keep an eye out for it! Thanks for the explanation too ♥️ 2y
monalyisha Thanks for the assist, @CarolynM! And thanks for the interest, @Rissreads 💓 2y
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I thought @monalyisha suggesting we make an About Me post for #AuldLangSpine was a great idea, and I know tomorrow‘s start to the work week means I‘ll be busy, so early is better than late!

I‘m looking forward to reading from your list, @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks !

#ALSpine #aboutme

monalyisha I‘m so glad I asked folks to do this! I‘m looking forward to reading all of them and responding more deeply. 💓 2y
Bklover Loved reading this! We definitely have Stephen King in common. You did leave out one thing though. You are an excellent friend. I have never felt a part of things in my life and you always made me feel like I belong here at Litsyland. You don‘t know this but your kindness gave me light spots in a dark time. ❤️ 2y
wanderinglynn I‘ve done NaNo since 2008 too! 🙌🏻 2y
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BeckyWithTheGoodBooks This is lovely. I‘m excited to be matched with you! Stephen King is also a favorite of mine and I am planning to start a chronological read in 2023! 2y
dariazeoli @Bklover Missy! That is so sweet of you to say, especially because I‘ve been feeling like a horrible citizen of Litsyland for quite awhile now. I‘m so glad I know you, and I‘m honored to have been even a tiny light when you needed one ❤️ (edited) 2y
dariazeoli @wanderinglynn Yes! I love that the madness continues years on! 2y
dariazeoli @monalyisha Thank you so much for keeping this interesting and fun every year! I appreciate all the care and work you put in for all of us ❤️ 2y
dariazeoli @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks Oooh, I love it! I‘ve been terrible at making progress, so you may catch up before too long 😉 2y
Bklover ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Maybe in Another Life: A Novel | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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1. Bombay, India!
2. I'm a credit analyst at a bank
3. Not really...I like to travel and listen to music but those aren't really hobbies!
4. No, I'm not really an animal person
5. Absolutely medium agnostic. Wherever and in whatever form
6. This is a difficult one. I met my closest friend who lives in another city for a long weekend, and that was amazing!

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#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

1. World War 2, hands down

2. Depends; I enjoy both

3. Sometimes. I am a constant learner, always curious to learn more about interesting subjects and time periods

#gettingtoknowyou #LitsyLove #LitsyLovelies #friends #fun #aboutme #historicalfiction #nonfiction #alwayslearning #alwaysreading #tagyoureit

Wanna play @gabbytes @Hils @BrianHatch @shanes.library @MichaelaMiles

BookmarkTavern I‘ve read a lot of WWII novels for my book club! What‘s your favorite? 4y
bibliobliss @ozma.of.oz I don't have favorites but The Book Thief is pretty high on the list. 4y
BookmarkTavern I really enjoyed The Book Thief too. 😃 4y
bibliobliss @ozma.of.oz 👍 4y
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Lreads Same! 😥 5y
MarriedtoMrT The worst! Thank God email exists to at least cut down on phone calls. 5y
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Ooops! | Suzy Kline, Dora Leder
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Should really carry my book everywhere I go. Extended lunch in the park and nothing to read 😪 on the up side its hot enough (20 degrees) for ice cream 🍦

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1. Huge “King Ranch” pickup trucks driven by men taking up 2 lanes on narrow city streets. (Can you tell I live in Houston? 😉) 2. Cheesecake! 3. Muffins (the kitty). 4. Science writing (non-fiction). 5. @BookBabe is fun to follow. #friyayintro #aboutme