Here‘s my late wrap-up post for #ReadYourSign ♈️
@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady
Only managed 4:
#2 #PublishedInTheYearYouWereBorn
#4 #YourElementInTheTitle
#12 #AriesAuthor
#15 #YourRulingNumberInTheTitle
Here‘s my late wrap-up post for #ReadYourSign ♈️
@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady
Only managed 4:
#2 #PublishedInTheYearYouWereBorn
#4 #YourElementInTheTitle
#12 #AriesAuthor
#15 #YourRulingNumberInTheTitle
Based on the many interviews with doctors, nurses, family, & friends; medical records; her father‘s personal journal; hospital video footages; & her notebooks; Susannah pieced together the events of the most traumatic period of her life. Her family‘s & boyfriend‘s faith in her were remarkable. Part memoir, part medical mystery (the medical descriptions are not overwhelming & easy to understand) 🔽
#ReadYourSign #Aries
#YourElementInTheTitle 🔥