I had no idea Dr. Seuss had such a long writing history. 1937- 1990 😲
#Populartheyearyouwereborn #AuldLangReads
#Writtenin1960s #NewYearNewYou
@Eggs @OriginalCyn620
I had no idea Dr. Seuss had such a long writing history. 1937- 1990 😲
#Populartheyearyouwereborn #AuldLangReads
#Writtenin1960s #NewYearNewYou
@Eggs @OriginalCyn620
#NewYearNewYou #writtenin1960s I remember agreeing with the thought that this novel was the bridge between the beats and the 60s youth culture.2 days after this novel was published (1966)Farina died in a motorcycle accident.If Thomas Pynchon writes an introduction to a reissue of your book , attention must be paid.(In my humble opinion.)
I read this to my children: the boy with the long name who fell down the well. It‘s a re-creation of an ancient Chinese folktale teaching the danger of having such an honorable name as Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo.
#NewYearNewYou Day 23: Reviewed by Iphigene, this book is #WrittenIn1960s: “I was profoundly, utterly, incredibly dumbfounded by my first science fiction novel. It was not what I expected it to be. Scifi has always been one of my least favorite genres for the simple reason that I could not care for alien characters, civilizations or even a futuristic world. But LeGuin changed that for me.” Her full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hpV