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Just finished this book - the first about the DePiaget family by Lynn Kurland. I plan to re-read all her books as long as it takes. I enjoyed it as well this time as the last. #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #7 minutes #SERIES2021 #WinterRespite #20in4

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
TheSpineView Great job! 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🥳 4y
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Sheets | Brenna Thummler
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I‘ve been wanting to read this for awhile. The cover is so cute. Marjorie is running the family laundromat because her Dad is paralyzed with grief. There‘s a villain and a cute 11-year old ghost. And it obviously takes place in a little Western PA town between Pittsburgh and Erie - which is where I live! I will have to be on the lookout for stray sheets! 👻 Book 2 coming up - Delicates #100YEARS100BOOKS #SERIES2021 #WinterRespite

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Eastern PA here! I‘ll have to check this one out. Stacked! 4y
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Her Royal Spyness | Rhys Bowen
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How refreshing! Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen. The first in the Series. This one I actually planned on starting this year. It was delightfully funny and the narrator was superb. Georgie is 24th, 34th in line for the throne and her brother cut her allowance so she had to find a way to fend for herself. Such a clever girl. There was a murder! So exciting! I love Rhys Bowen! #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #12 #SERIES2021 #WinterRespite

Crazeedi I started this series a couple years ago. Read 3 or so and then stopped, not sure why! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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The Water Dancer: A Novel | Ta-Nehisi Coates
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Finished the last 25 pages this morning. I really liked this story even though some of the situations were hard to fathom. I connected with the characters and the writing was so good. Weaving in the magic of Conduction and the inclusion of Harriet Tubman were my favorite parts. #LMPBC - it will be on its way today. #100Years100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #5 #DS and a Bingo! #WinterRespite

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Yay bingo!!! 4y
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Yay! I‘m finished! I really liked this book. The characters were interesting and the story moved along at a good pace. You didn‘t get stuck in one place for pages and pages. I would be up for continuing the series or reading more of Juliet Blackwell‘s books. #LMPBC Good choice! #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #4 #BFC21 #SERIES2021 #WinterRespite #FabulousFebruary

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
TheSpineView Great job! 4y
wanderinglynn I love Juliet Blackwell‘s series! 👍🏻 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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A Curse So Dark and Lonely | Brigid Kemmerer
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Wow! That was amazing. So much adventure! Such a badass heroine! The guys were great, too, but she was great. It‘s definitely not the Disney version. I am so glad I listened to it. Otherwise I wouldn‘t have experienced the full effect of the Monster speaking! You‘ll see... #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #BS #2 #BFC21 #DHUTDOWNRound2 #FAIRYTALECHALLENGE #SERIES2021 #WinterRespite #FabulousFebruary

Charityann Great! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!😊 4y
DieAReader 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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A Curse So Dark and Lonely | Brigid Kemmerer
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Finished Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - so good; Spent 4 hours 28 minutes so far on A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer - also a great book; and 1 hour 5 minutes on The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates - intriguing book #3! How did I get so lucky? #FabulousFebruary #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #BFC21 #SHUTDOWNRound2 #FAIRYTALECHALLENGE #WinterRespite #LMPBCRound10

DieAReader Great job!👏🏻🎉 4y
Charityann Nice!😄 4y
Andrew65 Well done, great 👏👏👏 4y
wanderinglynn 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
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Gemina | Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
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Told you I was whizzing through this! Kaufman & Kristoff are geniuses at making me turn pages and suck me into the story! The last line, “You wanna know how it ends?” Hell yeah! Fortunately the next book is on a bookshelf upstairs. This is an amazing series - just fantastic! #FabulousFebruary #WinterRespite #SERIES2021 #SHUTDOWNRound2 #BFC21 #BookSpinBingo #21 #100YEARS100BOOKS

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
TheSpineView Great series! 🤩📖 4y
RedxoHearts Glad to hear you love them so far. I actually just started giving Illuminae a second chance reading. It had been on my didnt finish list. I must just have not been in the mood because I like it now so far. I'm always a sucker for books written in that epistolary format I think it's called. 4y
Allylu @RedxoHearts I put it off for a long time, but once I started I couldn‘t put it down. I have to restrain myself from starting the 3rd one because I have other books I need to read. 😊📚 4y
Andrew65 Love these, well done 👏👏👏 4y
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The Inheritance Games | Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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The Inheritance Games reminds me of The Seven Sisters but on a YA level. There are 4 brothers and their grandfather left his huge fortune to a girl they‘ve never heard of along with a puzzle. There are clues all around, danger, and love triangles. Just as one puzzle is solved, another is discovered eventually leading to the next book. It‘s pretty good. #BookSpinBingo #10 #100Years100Books #BFC21 #SHUTDOWNRound2 #WinterRespite

DieAReader Great job!🤗👏🏻 4y
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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What can I say about this book? So appropriate that I finished it during Black History Month. The story it tells is so compelling and it makes me feel that the mind of the author must have been so full of urgency to write this tragic tale. It‘s heartbreaking. #BookSpinBingo #BS from January and #3 February #BFC21 #SHUTDOWNRound2 #WinterRespite #100YEARS100BOOKS

Catherine_Willoughby Can't watch that movie! 4y
DieAReader 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Allylu @Catherine_Willoughby I wouldn‘t want to watch it either. 4y
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