My library doesn't have this ... My reasoning for buying
#ukkindledeals #99ponkindle
My library doesn't have this ... My reasoning for buying
#ukkindledeals #99ponkindle
Just in case you need another book for #HauntedShelf
#ukkindledeals #99ponkindle
Look ahead to December with this holiday romance!
#ukkindledeals #99ponkindle
The blending of the authors family history plus her foray into genealogy: tracing, discovering and documenting her journey sounded like the potential for a perfect book. Unfortunately, I found the format confusing; I had difficulty keeping track of her family tree and I found Maud‘s research into genetics, genealogy, DNA, and a host of other tangents overwhelming, redundant and slightly dry. It‘s #BorrowNotBuy for me 🤓