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My #naturalitsy friends may love this one. A quick read about turtles and those that save them and the science behind why we care for turtles and what we can learn from turtles about time. What amazing creatures.

TheBookHippie Need!!! 10h
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I love this book! Sy Montgomery lives the life I should be living! She works with animals and their carers or those who study them and then writes books about her experiences. She‘s written about octopuses, pigs, and a collection of essays, “How to be a Good Creature”. This one is my favorite of hers I‘ve read so far though. These turtles and the people who serve them have my heart! I admire the rescue organizations Sy mentions in the book.

bibliothecarivs I was able to meet Montgomery at our state library conference a few months ago and get a copy of How to be a Good Creature signed as a Jólabókaflóðið gift for my teen daughter who loves animals. 1w
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Turtle Diary | Russell Hoban
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Seeing all of my favorite fiction reads of the year (so far) all together like this just makes me smile.

BarbaraBB Looking great! 2mo
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Apple in the Middle | Dawn Quigley
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TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
dabbe 💚🩷💚 5mo
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Poems of William Blake | William Blake
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dabbe 💚🩷💚 5mo
TheSpineView @dabbe 😊🌞🤩 5mo
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



Turtle Diary | Russell Hoban
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Making little monthly visuals this year to keep track of what I‘ve read. Definitely got the idea here. 😉

(8 books)

Turtle Diary 4.75 ⭐️
Our Missing Hearts 4.5 ⭐️
Legends & Lattes 4 ⭐️
Muppets in Moscow 3.75 ⭐️
The Beginning of Everything 3.75 ⭐️
All Systems Red 3.25 ⭐️
The Plot 3.5 ⭐️
Things We Never Got Over 2.75 ⭐️

I tried to put the covers in order by rating but it seems that I liked The Plot a little more than I remembered!

Chelsea.Poole Turtle Diary was my first read of 2023! A great one to start off the year. I like your graphics 😎 6mo
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Turtle Diary | Russell Hoban
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“Nothing was different or better and I didn't think I was either, but I didn't mind being alive at the moment.“

On the surface, this is a book about two strangers who come together to free the sea turtles from the London Zoo. But really, that is just a catalyst for a thoughtful story about lonely people discovering their loneliness and perhaps finding a way to be a little less so. A genuine, human, quiet look at connection.

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TheKidUpstairs I initially was drawn to the intriguing combination of NYRB and the author of Bread and Jam for Frances, and found myself totally entranced by the writing very early on. Then I discovered all the Litsy love already out there for this one! I will gladly join the party, it was a delightful book that goes far deeper than its quirky premise would suggest.

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TheKidUpstairs The writing largely feels timeless, but its age shows on occasion. There were a few sections I had some qualms with, particularly some homophobic remarks delivered in a very casual, throwaway manner. And some unnecessary sexualization, coupled with an oddly out of place group therapy experience . These elements felt disconcerting, as a modern reader, in a book that seemed to feel so deeply for those who sort of fade into the woodwork of society. 7mo
Aimeesue Great review! 7mo
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Turtle Diary | Russell Hoban
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“I'll never cease to be amazed by the fact that people uncomfortable in themselves can give comfort to other people.“

This book is so unendingly quotable.

Photo has nothing to do with the book, just the lovely semi-frozen lake out behind my library from today's lunch break

DocBrown Beautiful! Whereabouts? 7mo
batsy It's an excellent book with lots of insight. Loved it. 7mo
TheKidUpstairs @DocBrown Lake Scugog in the little town of Port Perry. We're about an hour outside of Toronto 7mo
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