This #CrazyCover was also featured in January's #ThisCoverMakesNoSense topic. A lady in a turtle shell. I'm hoping she's the healee. It's just crazy!
#MarchIntoReading #CrazyCovers
This #CrazyCover was also featured in January's #ThisCoverMakesNoSense topic. A lady in a turtle shell. I'm hoping she's the healee. It's just crazy!
#MarchIntoReading #CrazyCovers
I got behind so please forgive me for bombarding your feed with posts. 😬
Day 20 - I couldn't find anything my shelves for this one. #thiscovermakesnosense
Day 21 - There are numerous topics I want to know more about, even more after all the posts on this day. I'm choosing the Civil Rights Movement. Several of these have been on my TBR for a few years so it's definitely time to get to them. #atopicyoudliketoknowmoreabout
#readjanuary #day20 #thiscovermakesnosense I'm catching up on the January photo challenge after the craziness of 24in48. Had a few days mostly off the internet & reading to rest my eyes. This cover has nothing to do with the story. I have no idea what a swamp has to do with a car accident or even Elysian Fields itself. If I was looking for either, a Louisiana swamp is not where I'd be going.🤗
I'm stealing this from a post @Notmacaroniandcheese made a few weeks ago to use for #ThisCoverMakesNoSense. #ReadJanuary
#thiscovermakesnosense So many questions. Is he supposed to be staring at her face? Because it looks like he's ogling her cleavage. She looks like she's about to fall asleep. Does she not care that she's being ogled? If it's cold enough to have a fire going, why is she in a summer dress with flimsy sleeves? Or is that an evening gown? If so, why is she lying around in it? Is he going to smother her with that pillow? #readjanuary Day 20 catch-up
Trying to catch up on some of my outstanding #ReadJanuary posts. Did anyone else see this latest reissue from Penguin Modern Classics? It's weird. #thiscovermakesnosense
12 hours in to #24in48, books 3 & 4 complete. John Green's post-apocalyptic novellas about corn-hoarding zombies are entertaining, dark, & philosophical in that John Green way. The sequel (no entry on Litsy) suffered from some inconsistencies & lack of a satisfying ending. This is my Z for #LitsyAtoZ, & I'm also going to use it for my belated #readjanuary day 20 #thiscovermakesnosense as there are no unicorns in these books. @RealLifeReading
Found this hilarious article about bad book covers: http://www.cracked.com/article_20757_8-hilariously-misleading-covers-slapped-cla... #thiscovermakesnosense #readjanuary