Chapter 44: how lydgate convinces Dodo to donate money to his hospital #also #casuabonisstillanass #thatisall #shortchapter #pemberlittens
Chapter 44: how lydgate convinces Dodo to donate money to his hospital #also #casuabonisstillanass #thatisall #shortchapter #pemberlittens
Family. Can‘t live with them …. Can‘t …. Live… With…. Them. #thatisall
This. Book. Is. So. Good .
In order to make it through the book on the left, I am planning to alternate chapters with the book on the right. Self preservation extends to my reading life.
#ThatisAll #FierceFeb @Cinfhen @batsy
I am well and truly pissing myself over finding Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur at the library today. AHHHHHH. Finally got my mitts on Lumberjanes vol 3 and Gotham Academy too, and the next volumes of Princeless. #holla #mydoctorhasurgedmetoexercisemore #ilegithateexercise #soivebeenwalkingtothelibrarythisweektoreturnbooks #thathasbeenmyexercise #thelibraryistheonlyshininglightinthisshittysituation #yetagain #blessthelibrary #thatisall