Book 2 in the Rajes series and I am in love! This Austrn retelling is all about second chances both in love and with family!
Book 2 in the Rajes series and I am in love! This Austrn retelling is all about second chances both in love and with family!
Really enjoyed this one! Alisha Rai‘s Modern Love series is wonderful look at love, technology, and mental health. In fact, you could have removed the love story and still had a fantastic book about a woman dealing with anxiety and PTSD. Would recommend the whole series
I attempted the #24b4monday but I failed and only 16 hours. Plus side I loved all the books I read with reviews to come soon
I purchased this book on my last day at work before the pause. I finally got around to reading it today and it was great. The romance felt organic and fun. The heavier moment where well done. When I was half through I put the sequel on hold at library.
Hey all just thought I‘d share some oldies but goodies from my summer reading spree! I decided since my state is still on stay at home to read all these summer books that I loved from years past. How is everybody doing out there in Litsy world
This was a book club pick and like all of Mr. Whitehead‘s books didn‘t disappoint! I insist that you stop whatever you are doing and get a copy of this book now
I am really enjoying this book but I am chicken so I had to supplement it with some lighter fare #popsugarchallenge2019 #bookstomakeyoufeelnostalgic #bookpublishedposthunously
A brilliant memoir with shades of Its not yet dark and diving bell and the butterfly! Couldn‘t put it down
When a customer says they know the author of a book you recommend and then he shows up with signed copies from her
I‘ve had this sitting in my tbr since April and finally got to it last night. I love how he weaves a fictional version of himself into the story and the plot had me guessing right until the reveal. I enjoyed the way the narrative seemed to take before the reader‘s eyes. Would recommend
This book, omg this book! Ever pick something up on whim and find yourself completely enchanted by it that is how I feel about this crazy book. The way Arnold crafts this story is just so amazing, I have no words! I am now back tracking to read his other books.
Sooooo excites to get this arc in the mail yesterday!! I have seen this book teased in Facebook for months plus this really cool pin! Review to follow
Just another day at the office! Got to meet a former president! #thepresidentismissing #aboutlastnight #bneastchester
Picked this one up mainly for the super cute cover (got serious Jenny Han vibes from it) and really like it. Megan is always the girl before. Everyone of her ten boyfriends has moved on to his soul mate after dating her. Labeled the class flirt until she is forced to look at what she wants and that her feelings matter. Sex positive, no slut shaming and shockingly self aware would recommend but I wished had developed her family more
For anyone who loved Simon vs. this follow up is perfect especially since my (and most readers) #1 question was what is Leah‘s deal and this book answered this and more plus Simon and Bram were perfection
Rereading this for #oursharedshelf and #popsugarchallenge2018 still as amazing as it was when I first read it
“Greer didn‘t really know why Faith took an interest. But what she knew for sure, eventually, was that meeting Faith Frank was the thrilling beginning of everything. “ Meg Wolitzer reading her newest book at #bneastchester #bnbookclub
I am running the #bnbookclub at work and had to read this book for work. It isn‘t normally the type of book I would read on my own as such I am giving it as so-so rating instead of the pan that I want to. The book tackles too much without ever really resolving anything the only well written character is Cory, the only man given really page time in the book. Wolitzer info dumps character backgrounds and it doesn‘t do anything really new/different
I loved this book!!!! I have seen both film versions and while amazing in their own (Ros Russell and Bea Arthur steal their respective films) the book is truly a different beast as Dennis said it is a singular freak that shouldn‘t work but does!
Read this on recommendation of my boss who is a huge fan of McMahon. This not the kind of thriller I would normally pick up but I liked it. The supernatural elements were done well and while a horror novel it wasn‘t graphic and the end was satisfying in a way very few thrillers are
Starts off slow but once you get a few chapters in you want to live in Broken Wheel. The characters really are very interesting yet a few never really get any development like Andy and Carl. Caroline feels like someone you would encounter at church or a PTA meeting everybody knows a Caroline.
I‘ve had this on my tbr pile for awhile and finally picked it up from work. I loved it! In high school I totally would have been friends with Simon. Every character had something relatable about them even Martin. Can‘t wait for Leah on the Offbeat!!
Much like Auntie Mame needed a little Christmas I need a little summer during this nor‘easter. #Firstdayofspring #popsugareadingchallenge2018 #bookwithsonglyricsinthetitle
Read this little book during my breaks at work as part of the #popsugarreadingchallege2018. It packs a hell of a punch for such a slim volume but was very thought provoking especially the first section on women and speech.
Read this a part the #popsugarreadingchallenge #bookaboutasport. I am a huge baseball fan and enjoyed this book about the road trip from hell. Two college graduates plan the ultimate road trip 30 ballparks in 30 days. I laughed out loud throughout I am sure my co-workers thought I was nuts. 👍🏼👍🏼