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Pride | Ibi Zoboi
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I‘m so behind (work is insane) so I‘m doing a #quadrupledip to get mostly caught up from the week.
In this Pride and Prejudice retelling, Zuri has a #KinkyAfro & her Bushwick, Brooklyn neighborhood is her #MerseyParadise a place she loves. She & her sister Janae #SitDown on the roof of their building & watch what‘s going on. Zuri has an immediate dislike of Darius Darcy, living #TheLifeOfRiley in his family‘s mini-mansion.🎤😉

arlenefinnigan Wow. A quadruple link is some going! Excellent work. 5y
Cinfhen Well played 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼and I‘m kind of keen to read this particular retelling 5y
Cinfhen Hope you have a quieter week 💜 5y
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March (Trilogy Slipcase Set) | Andrew Aydin, John Lewis
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(Day 19 - #SitDown)

*As a member of CORE, Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) helped organize the first sit-ins in Nashville, TN (protest pictured above left). After those #SitDown protests, he participated in many other Civil Rights movements. As Chairman of the SNCC, he participated in the Freedom Rides, and was the youngest keynote speaker at the 1963 March on Washington. He has been arrested 45 times and also beaten. (Pic. right).

arlenefinnigan Excellent choice ✊ 5y
gradcat 👆🏻 Photo details: (top left, counterclockwise) Nashville HBCU-sponsored lunch counter sit-in; CORE leaders-Lewis second from right-in front of Lincoln Memorial; With King (standing behind him) visiting JFK in the Oval Office; Lewis being beaten by cops (front right); Lewis‘ arrest record & mugshot; Lewis receives Medal of Freedom from Obama; Freedom Riders documentary; Center is the trilogy which records Lewis‘ journey working for Civil Rights. 5y
gradcat @arlenefinnigan Thank you. ♥️ 5y
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LibrarianRyan There is a sequel series to this coming out soon. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38598181-run 5y
gradcat @LibrarianRyan Thanks for posting that info...how are you? I don‘t think I‘ve spoken to you in a while. ♥️ 5y
LibrarianRyan @gradcat Pretty good. I think they have a new algorithm or sometime. There are so many people I don't seem to see anymore. 5y
Cinfhen Well done 👍🏽 5y
gradcat @LibrarianRyan So that‘s what it is! I even tried a “laundering” of my followers list (don‘t like to be negative—that‘s the best euphemism I can come up with at the moment) in an attempt to see more of the folks I recognize. It takes forever and I‘m not at all sure it‘s been very beneficial. But, at least I saw you this time! Glad you‘re doing okay...hope to see you again soon! ♥️ 5y
Cinfhen I like that term @gradcat I should really clean up a bit too!!!!! 5y
gradcat @Cinfhen Well, I hate to be ugly about it...but there are people in there who‘ve never even posted! But I guess washing those off the list isn‘t really addressing the problem, because well, obviously they‘re not posting!! 😂🤣😂 5y
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The Book of Tea | Kakuzo Okakura
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Is there anything better than being able to #SitDown with a nice cup of tea and a good book?

#RedRoseSeptember @Cinfhen @arlenefinnigan

arlenefinnigan Very civilised! 5y
JacqMac Nothing better. Enjoy! 5y
Cinfhen Great photo 😍 5y
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Dachshund Through the Snow | David Rosenfelt
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Though it‘s not quite the season for holiday reads, I am always ready for a new David Rosenfelt book! Despite the holiday title, this one isn‘t too Christmassy- in fact, the twisting plot and signature humor make this a real treat to #SitDown and read! #RedRoseSeptember #DogsOfLitsy

Cinfhen Love this photo!!!! Cute pup 🐶 5y
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TorieStorieS @Cinfhen @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks! His birthday is coming up- I can‘t believe he will be 11!! 5y
gradcat I love these books...anything with a dog or a cat and I‘m in...or any other pet for that matter!! 😂 Happy Birthday to the pup—he‘s beautiful!! 🐶 ♥️ (edited) 5y
TorieStorieS @gradcat Thanks!! Yes- I love this series too!! And I will pass along the birthday wishes! 😁😁😁 5y
gradcat 😂🤣😅 Please do! 🐕 5y
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The Nix | Nathan Hill
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I enjoyed this satire on academia, publishing, U.S. politics, gaming etc. It is a little overstuffed maybe but ultimately satisfying. The prompt #sitdown made me think of it because the protagonist‘s mother was photographed at a “sit in” in the 70s which has a lot to do with the plot. Convoluted but it‘s the best I can do.😅 #RedroseSeptember

arlenefinnigan I do love a good sit in ✊ 5y
Ruthiella @arlenefinnigan Peace man! ✌️ 5y
Cinfhen I initially thought of “sit in” too💟☮️💟 I still NEED to read this book. I may try the audio as it was just recommended to me by @Megabooks 5y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen it is a long audiobook and I‘ve listened to it twice if that lets you know how good it is!! 5y
Cinfhen The length is what‘s been putting me off @Megabooks 5y
Megabooks @Cinfhen Totally worth it. I promise. 5y
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Pachinko | Min Jin Lee
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#SitDown and devote some time to reading this moving novel. It is so beautifully written. #RedRoseSeptember

arlenefinnigan Hearing very good things about this on the bookternet. 5y
marleed I loved this! I also went to YouTube for some virtual tours of pachinko parlors! 5y
Amiable One of my favorite reads last year 5y
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Laughterhp I just got this from the library and am a little hesitant to jump in! 5y
Librarybelle @Laughterhp It‘s so good! But, you may want to make sure you have a good bit of time dedicated to reading...it will suck you into the story. Or, at least it did with me. 5y
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If I hadn't seen such riches, I could live with being poor. #SitDown #RedRoseSeptember @Cinfhen

arlenefinnigan For context, Oldham Athletic are currently 21st in the 4th division, and sacked yet another head coach yesterday (and unveiled the new one 16 minutes later, which is a bit unpleasant). Not that it matters cos the club owner and his brother pick the team, seemingly with the intention of showcasing players they've brought in who aren't good enough (they're both former agents), for reasons we can only guess at. Grim times. 5y
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#sitdown #redroseseptember
I remember this book being very sad ☹️💔

Texreader Sounds like more than my heart can handle 5y
Cathythoughts Looks upsetting alright 💔 5y
TrishB @Texreader @Cathythoughts it‘s a tough read! 5y
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arlenefinnigan Yeah, sounds tough. 5y
Cinfhen Love the cover and this book does seem heavy but interesting. 5y
Anna40 I'm reading her new book - Our Fathers. It's brilliant 4y
TrishB @Anna40 thanks for the heads up, didn‘t realise she had a new one. Stacked 👍🏻 4y
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