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Against the Rules | Francine Pascal
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And it‘s time for the alternate cover of the day, to go along with my review. 😆


TorieStorieS 🤣🤣🤣 2d
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Against the Rules | Francine Pascal
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Sophia Rizzo joins the school newspaper and becomes good friends with Liz. Problem is her brother Tony is considered bad news after he got in trouble for stealing a VCR and going to reform school. Sophia suffers from guilt by association, and Jess, Lila and the Unicorns are particularly nasty to her. Tony even gives Steven a black eye at school, which doesn‘t help. Meanwhile, Liz, Sophia and a few other students are writing the school play and ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Jess says she and the Unicorns will boycott the play because they don‘t want to have anything to do with Sophia. But the play is a smash hit and we even have a twin switch in this one, which is always fun. Everything works out okay in the end — this is Sweet Valley after all! 3.5⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 2d
TorieStorieS Tony, major VCR thief… hahaha, so dated but still so fun! 🤣 2d
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS 😅 well to be fair, VCRs used to be realllly expensive in the late 80s and early 90s. Poor Tony! 2d
TorieStorieS And certainly more portable than the television sets of the 80s/90s!! 🤣 2d
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First Place | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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It‘s time for another alternate cover for the day to go along with my review. 😅😆



TorieStorieS Bahahahaha!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5d
Bookwormjillk Love these 🤣🤣🤣 5d
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First Place | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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The one in which Lila and Liz use each other. Oh, and there‘s a horse! 🐴 Lila gets a fancy new horse named Thunder from her dad, but isn‘t very interested in his day-to-day care. Liz LOVES horses and agrees to write an article about Lila & Thunder for the school paper. Lila gets Liz to share her homework and Liz goes to the stables every day to ride Thunder. Jess gets jealous of how much time Liz & Lila are spending with each other. Oh, and ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 There‘s a sweet but poor stable boy named Ted that Jess has a crush on. Liz accidentally spills the tea to the Unicorns about Ken & Amy kissing at a party, & Amy is so upset she accidentally on purpose tells Lila that Liz is entering Thunder in a competition at the stables. There‘s a confrontation but it all works out in the end. Ted rides Thunder in the competition instead (and wins!) and decides to buy Thunder from Lila, who is by this point ⬇️ 5d
JenlovesJT47 Growing bored with him. And Jess has her nice moment with Ted. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #nostalgia #twins 👯‍♀️🐴 5d
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The New Girl | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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Lol here‘s another alternate cover. 😅 #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #nostalgia #twins #funny #alternatecovers

TorieStorieS 🤣🤣🤣 It does look like that!! But worst of all is that I am certain that I had a school picture in 3rd or 4th grade with that exact outfit (though my sweater was unicorn purple!🤣) 1w
TorieStorieS Where did you find these gems?? 1w
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS I don‘t remember where I found them, I found the screenshots on my phone from a few years ago. I have more! But I will post them when I get to the books in my read through. There are some more good ones lol. 1w
TorieStorieS I‘m looking forward to seeing them!! So fun!! 6d
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Teacher's Pet | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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I found some alternate covers for a few Sweet Valley Twins covers and thought I‘d share 😬😆😅 #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #alternatecovers #funny #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️

TorieStorieS Bahahahahahahaha!!!! 1w
Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣 1w
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Three's a Crowd | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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Mary Giaccio is spending more and more time at the Wakefield house, and Jessica is not happy about it. She notices Mary following Mrs. W around a lot and always inviting herself over. Mary is a foster child and it turns out Mrs. W looks uncannily like her real mother, whom she is sure is still out there looking for her. Sure enough, Mary‘s mom shows up at the end and we hear the whole sordid tale of how Mary was kidnapped at age 4 by her ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Mother‘s friend, Annie. Annie changed Mary‘s last name then abandoned her a few months later, and Mary has been in foster care ever since. Mary‘s mom was able to find her when Annie was recently arrested for shoplifting and they are then able to connect the dots. Like @TorieStorieS said, it‘s straight out of a soap opera! 😆 Luckily, Mary is reunited with her mother and they also decide to stay in Sweet Valley. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins 1w
TorieStorieS Mary‘s storylines are always straight from the soaps!! Plus she is the only Sweet Valleyer to have three last names!! 🤣 1w
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The New Girl | Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne
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This was a fun one! New girl Brooke Dennis is N-A-S-T-Y to everyone she comes across, especially the Wakefield twins. So they decide to invent a triplet, “Jennifer”, who is Brooke‘s only friend. The whole school is in on it and they come up with an ultimate way to humiliate Brooke and reveal there is no Jennifer. It backfires when they figure out why Brooke is really so awful to everyone, and the whole school makes up for it by throwing Brooke ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 A surprise birthday party and everyone is friends in the end. 4.5⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love these books! 1w
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Clare-Dragonfly How do they fake a Jennifer before the internet? 1w
JenlovesJT47 @Clare-Dragonfly 😅 it‘s really funny how they did it actually. Brooke went to sit with them at lunch and they didn‘t want her to because she had been so nasty to everyone all day then they told her they were saving a seat for their sister Jennifer. Jess ran off and put on a sweater and hair bow and introduced herself as Jennifer, and everyone went along with it. The whole 6th grade was in on it and they did it for a couple of weeks! She and Liz⬇️ 1w
JenlovesJT47 Took turns being Jennifer lol. 😆 So funny! 1w
TorieStorieS This is one of my very favorites!! 1w
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS I really liked this one! I don‘t think I ever read it before, or maybe only once. Jennifer Wakefield for the win lol, but I might be biased! 😆 1w
TorieStorieS I know!! Jennifer is the best!! 🤣 1w
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Sneaking Out | Francine Pascal
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I don‘t think I ever read this one when I was a kid but it‘s a very Jessica-centric book and lots of fun. Her favorite rockstar, Johnny Buck, is doing a concert at Secca Lake and she just HAS to go, even though her parents told her no. She cooks up a scheme with Lila to have a “sleepover” at her house and go to the concert from there. She just has to raise $25 quickly (ahh, the 80s 😆) for her ticket, so she decides to dog sit for a sweet old ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Lady, Mrs. Bramble, and her fat old cocker spaniel, Sally. Jessica doesn‘t like dogs (which doesn‘t jive at all with SVH and her beloved dog Prince Albert but I digress) and she‘s really slick about passing off all of the doggy duties to Liz and Steven. Mrs. B is late picking up Sally and Jess has to leave for the concert or she‘ll be late, so she ties Sally to a tree and leaves. Sally promptly spots a cat and takes off running. When Liz and ⬇️ 2w
JenlovesJT47 Mrs. Wakefield get back to the house, it is up to them to break the news to Mrs. B. Luckily, they find Sally and Jess‘s punishment is that she has to walk her every day for the next month. Jessica also realizes that her dreams of Johnny Buck thinking she‘s special are just nonsense because he gives out the same generic autographed pics and hats to all of his fans. 😆 This one was fun. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 2w
TorieStorieS They stick with Jessica not liking dogs in the kids series, but she comes to like them over the course of the Twins series, so there‘s some continuity eventually! 1w
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JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS that‘s good! The continuity is so hit or miss with these but I really liked this book also. The whole thing with 50 girls at the concert having the same Johnny Buck hat and the generic autographed picture they got was so funny! At least Jessica was realizing early that men are full of it lol. 1w
TorieStorieS Hahahahaha!! Very true!! I know— I was just reading one where they called Bruce Patman an eighth grader— when he has to be a seventh grader! And then in the next one, he was back to his right age! 1w
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS well the one I just read about Mary Giaccio Altman Robinson or whatever her name is, they mention her mom has been looking for her for 7.5 years and she was 4 when she was kidnapped. But in the other books it says she‘s a 7th grader so it‘s kinda confusing cause the twins are 12 and in 6th grade. 🤔 oh well! 😅 1w
TorieStorieS She does have a birthday party in the series, but yeah, that math doesn‘t add up! 🤷‍♀️ 6d
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Tomboy Amy wants to try out for the Booster club, SVMS‘s version of cheerleaders, led by the snotty Unicorn Club. Liz is worried she will get cut from tryouts because the Unicorns only want to take on fellow members and they make their dislike of her very obvious. Meanwhile, Ken wants to join the basketball team but keeps getting bullied for being short. Liz and Steven give him lots of pointers, and Amy eventually shows the Unicorns she knows ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 What she‘s doing, and both end up making the cut. It is really funny reading these because by the time high school rolls around, Amy Sutton is a hot blonde, mostly shallow cheerleader who cares mostly about boys and clothes, and Ken Matthews is the hottie star quarterback who dates both Jess and Liz at various points. Fun times! 3.5⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyTwins #SVT #twins #nostalgia 2w
Clare-Dragonfly That‘s fun that she mixed up the personalities—people really do change over time so it‘s realistic! 2w
JenlovesJT47 @Clare-Dragonfly very true! 2w
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