Robin Hood doesn't figure very much in this book, as the main character is his granddaughter, but whenever he is mentioned, I have a hard time picturing him as a human, and not the sexy fox from the old Disney movie 😂
Robin Hood doesn't figure very much in this book, as the main character is his granddaughter, but whenever he is mentioned, I have a hard time picturing him as a human, and not the sexy fox from the old Disney movie 😂
The original and retelling 📚
#TheMerryAdventuresOfRobinHood #HowardPyle #Sherwood #MeganSpooner #book #books #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor #read #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #recommendation #recommendations #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Retellings #HistoricalFiction #Romance #Historical #Fiction #Audiobook 💜
When Clem is kidnapped by Captain Mariel and her crew of Merry Men, she assumes it's because reputation as a healer who is experimenting with more effective treatments, instead it's to make sure her guardian understands that consequences of healing anyone associated with the Sheriff of Nottingham.
I thought this was a fun re-imagining of Robin Hood focused on his granddaughter.
ebook: The Sun Won't Come Out Tomorrow by Kristen Martin
audiobook: Not For the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher
non-fiction: The Way of Play by Tina Payne Bryson and Georgie Wisen-Vincent
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
And now, dear friend, we also must part, for our merry journeyings have ended, and here, at the grave of Robin Hood, we turn, each going his own way.
#TheMerryAdventuresOfRobinHood #HowardPyle #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #bookphotographer #Classics #Fiction #HistoricalFiction #Adventure #Fantasy #Children #YoungAdult #Literature 💙💙💙💙
Gisborne said nothing for a time, watching her. Then he took her hand in both of his and raised it to his lips, bowing his head and lingering with all the chivalrous deliberation of a knight out of legend. “Long live Robin Hood.”
#Sherwood #MeganSpooner #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookshelfies #bookstack #bookstacks #shelfie #shelfies #stack #stacks #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Retelling #Fiction #Historical
Just like Gwen & Art are not in love, the new novel by #LexCroucher is fabulous and a lot of fun! Definitely don‘t read it if you are looking for the biblically accurate Robin Hood stories (which I adore!), but read it for the witty dialogue, the fast-paced plot and the building romance between Clem & Mariel 🥰.
#lgbt #ya
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Robin Hood (Eyewitness Classics) by Philip, illustrated by Harris (my 70th RH book)
📖 Fifteenth-Century England 1399-1509: Studies in Politics and Society by Chrimes, Ross, and Griffiths
📖 The Gawain-Poet (Medieval and Renaissance Authors) by Wilson
📖 The Life and Times of Richard III by Cheetham
#UniteAgainstBookBans #LetUtahRead
Golly, what a day 🎶 🦊❤️ 9h