Of the 17 books in Alexander McCall Smith's #1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series I've read 16; I own 7. The Miracle at Speedy Motors Is autographed from my time meeting the author 8 years ago. Always a pleasure to read❣️Pictured here with a cup of herbal red bush tea with cranberry and orange, called "African Autumn." I'm looking forward to reading Precious and Grace❣️#PreciousandGrace #AlexanderMcCallSmith #TheMiracleatSpeedyMotors #teaandbooks
WhatDeeReads I've only read one, but I own the first eight. Hopefully, next year I'll have some time to really just dig in. 8y
Buddys_Momma I have read the first book in that series and cannot wait to get to the other ones. 8y
slhbooks Love these! Have all of them except the most recent. 8y
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8leagueboot I think I need that tea in my life 🍁 8y
Lesliereads @NorthEastofEden yes! Now is the season for this tea blend -yum 8y
Donna_sBookMinute I remember reading N1LDA years ago. It was okay. But the fact that I've continued to add Smith titles to my library is an indicator that I wish to give him another chance. I discovered Harvey Brothers teas a few years ago. I'll have to give African Autumn a try. Welcome to @Litsy ❗️📚👍🏾 8y
Lesliereads @Donna_sBookMinute Thank you for the welcome❣️The only thing you neglected to mention was your favorite of the HB teas! 8y