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I rarely enjoy short stories, but this one was perfect! At only 16 pages on my iPad, Hurwitz tells a suspenseful story succinctly and completely. I was not left wanting more of the story as there didn‘t need to be more. I enjoyed learning how the Nowhere Man started his work. I‘m ready for book two!

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

dabbe Your gorgeous pup reminds me of my cocker, Caramel. 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
NatalieR @dabbe Ahh…so sweet! ❤️ 4mo
AnnCrystal 💕🐕💝. 4mo
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The Night Agent: A Novel | Matthew Quirk
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@TheLudicReader - Netflix says, "coming soon." Can't wait!

julesG Yay!!! I was hoping for another season 4mo
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I love Stacey Abrams (her politics, her in general), I do not love political thrillers, but this was really a rollercoaster of a read with a plucky MC, relatable supporting cast & villains that have dimension (mostly). The clues weren‘t set up in a way that someone who doesn‘t know about chess or DC geography could figure out, &in the middle there started to me a plethora of new faces &info that got unwieldy. But all in all it was very good

Deep State | Chris Hauty
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Is there a Library Service division of the Deep State? I don't know how else to account for this being their book of the month.
I gave it the 50-pages test. Can't. Won't. Nope!
I wasn't thrilled: I was bored.
Maybe pick this up if you fancy an easy game of bad-writing bingo.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
quietlycuriouskate @dabbe I find it SO hard to bail on a book: not this time, though! 8mo
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Deep State | Chris Hauty
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I really didn't want to go to book group today (feel more like hiding in my room and not talking to anyone for the rest of the year). But... my books were due back and library fines make me feel like a criminal. 🤣 So, off I went, like a dutiful citizen.
Tagged is next month's book. The Raynor Winn just leapt into my arms.

Bookwomble I hope book club was bearable in the end, Kate 💖 8mo
quietlycuriouskate @Bookwomble Actually I'm glad I went. They are pleasant people and none of us much liked the book so we did some good old-fashioned British bonding over our disgruntlement. 🤣 8mo
Reggie Yay, I‘m glad you showed up and it worked out. 8mo
TrishB Glad it was better than anticipated! 8mo
Bookwomble 😊👍🏻 8mo
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There‘s something about fictional political/legal thrillers by authors whose day jobs deal in political/legal reality that I just can‘t quit. Some are written like a car chase and others a chess match. This was the latter, and even though a few of the moves (genetic bioengineering) were complicated, I liked Stacy‘s players and the game. …And just before this post I realized book 2 in the series is available.

BookmarkTavern Great review! And great photo! 💙 8mo
5feet.of.fury Oooh this is on my TBR for this month too 8mo
Becker Love your photo 👏 8mo
marleed @BookmarkTavern @Becker Thanks. Every once in a great while I think of a creative photo for my current book! 8mo
marleed @5feet.of.fury I hope you like it. Now I want to fit in Book2 to this month‘s reading! 8mo
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Rogue Justice: A Novel | Stacey Abrams
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Stacey Abrams was great at Texas Book Festival today.

Thrillers: 100 Must-reads | David Morrell, Hank Wagner
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Hey #TeamCryptKeepers. I thought I would add a bingo for #Scarathlon since most of our team seems to like Thrillers, and i love bingo. Give yourself points for each line 20pts. The whole board 100pts. @StayCurious @Clwojick Please show your post with book read and bi go board with the spots for that book.
@TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot @BarkingMadRead @kezzlou85 @Marmie7 @Rissa1 @aperfectmjk @Bookishgal71 @Nazgul93 @natsahara

BarkingMadRead Loooooove BINGO!! 13mo
aperfectmjk Sweet!!! 13mo
aperfectmjk Wait, I thought it was 20pts per bingo line? 13mo
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kezzlou85 Yay I love a bingo board 13mo
LiseWorks @aperfectmjk you are correct. I fixed it. See this is why I need my team members 😍 13mo
aperfectmjk @LiseWorks no worries! You're doing great! 😘 13mo
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State of Terror: A Novel | Louise Penny, Hillary Rodham Clinton, To Be To Be Confirmed Simon & Schuster
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Now for something completely different. I won‘t lie, I love the occasional cheesy political thriller. I once watched a whole season of 24 in a weekend, and I want that vibe in my thriller reading please. This mostly didn‘t disappoint; a page-turningly tense story with current terrorist and world issues themes and the like. I‘ve never read Louise Penny and can‘t say I loved the writing enough to read more, but overall all this was good fun (👇)

JillR In saying it was good fun, I took it as such but fully accept some very real life issues are being played out here. 1y
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