Definitely not just buying books because they look pretty... thankfully the story‘s are just as charming as their covers 🥰 #picks
Definitely not just buying books because they look pretty... thankfully the story‘s are just as charming as their covers 🥰 #picks
Which one should I read next?!
#Books #LGBTQIA #YA #Literature #Picks #Excited #Love #Recommend #Happy #Cute #Research #Thriller #Romance #Contemporary
Or if you prefer books set to music to help you decide (yes I am a nerd & made a TikTok of the books set to music - (also shameless plug for my TikTok & Instagram)).
So cute! 17-year-old Abby is doing a summer fashion internship with the hopes of landing a job in the fall, but things get a bit complicated when she starts crushing on fellow intern Jordi. Recommended this to a coworker who loves#LGBTQ #YA and she started the audiobook at work; ended up racing her to the finish so this review is two #picks in one!
I still haven‘t mastered a photo collage, so I‘ll do #pickpanbailsoso the boring way.
Lots of #picks this year, and this one was my absolute favorite.
Some books were between picks and #soso but my least favorite was My Father‘s Tears.
I didn‘t #pan any books, mostly because I‘m likely to #bail first, which I did with Love Warrior.
Now I‘m off to play tourist in my own city with the sibs!
This is an amazing SF series. I loved every single one, and they stand the test of time. The story hinges on one character's struggle, and the SF aspect is what it should be--a setting for a human story. Magnificent! (Plus, the hardback had a red cover for my 4th of July book flag! LOL!)
#bookstagram #bookstagrams #SF #SFF #pick #picks
A wine tasting of slightly-vintage fantasy fiction. The stories in this anthology aren't new, but it's an excellent collection from some of the greatest names in fantasy. Eclectic and diverse, it's a strong sampling of styles and voices. Review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1679869010
#SFF #SF #fantasy #anthology #anthologies #cat #cats #pick #picks
I mean, it's Peter Pan. Total pick!
(The B&N exclusive edition of the original is included in our July patron raffle, pictured above, but you don't have to be a patron to read WENDY for free at http://patreon.com/DragonAuthors)
#PeterPan #ya #youngadult #fantasy #giveaway #giveaways #free #freebies #freestuff #freebie #pick #picks
I loved every single Pern book Anne McCaffrey ever wrote. I met her at Dragoncon before she passed and fan-girl sobbed through the whole thing. I always loved books, but this is the series that made me want to be a writer. ❤️
#SF #SFF #ya #youngadult #fantasy #AnneMcCaffrey #pick #picks
The DragonLance series is excellent. Love them all!
When I met Margaret Weis at Dragoncon years ago, I saw her name on a booth and said, "Wow! You're Margaret Weis?" She said, "Yes, that's me." I said "THE Margaret Weis?" She said, "Um... I guess so?"
Classic! I got all three autographed. ?
#SFF #fantasy #dragon #dragons #autographs #autographed #pick #picks