I love WW2 books and I‘ve never heard of these women before. It was such a good read. I give it 5/5 stars!
I love WW2 books and I‘ve never heard of these women before. It was such a good read. I give it 5/5 stars!
I enjoyed this book even though a lot of times I didn‘t know what the plot was anymore…But this is an immigrant story and this is exactly how you feel when you don‘t know where exactly you fit in.
Great debut!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #arc Pub Date: 10/8/24
Trying to get a jumpstart on my October ARCs. Started this today and I am already sucked in…
I try not to read reviews before I start ARCs, but I couldn‘t resist skimming some for this one because of the lukewarm response, and it has actually made me more curious for the story.
#arc #NetGalley
Isabel is so connected to trees and plants and gardens - her ‘green‘ life is a metaphor for how she survives, both physically and emotionally. She has learned from her Lolo and Lola that no matter where you live, a garden can thrive. “Bloom where you are planted.”🌿🪻🌺 MG novel in verse💚💚
#AwesomeApril Readathon
I honestly think more people should read/listen to this. It‘s eye opening how social media is being used to manipulate what we see/hear and how that influences us. It sounds conspiracy theory like but MR has exhaustive research and examples of when and how the public is manipulated using ‘stories‘ and algorithms. I understand why 🇨🇦 gov‘t blocked news being on FB and IG but the stupid shit is still getting through so it‘s a half assed attempt
Snow White bag #9 6/7 dwarves and a roof for sleeping under. I‘m flipping between this book and Taylor‘s TTPS ( so far my favourites are Florida and thanK you aIMee - I love a good F bomb )