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Dog Selfies | Charlie Ellis
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@kaye introducing Bodhi Bird and Charlie Dog. Two big characters and equally as cute in their weird & wonderful way. Bodhi lives with me and loves wrecking my flat 😳 whilst Charlie is my parents' dog & I get regular cuddles with the hound

#DogsOfLitsy #BirdsOfLitsy #PerfectPets #Posers #PetSelfies

Kaye Your bird is beautiful. Does he talk ? And your dog‘s sad eyes are so darn cute. 6y
JaneyWaneyB @kaye Bodhi very noisy as it is talking would be a nightmare lol. Charlie wanted the treat I was holding to get that photo 6y
Crazeedi Precious friends! 6y
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Oh, What a Busy Day | Gyo Fujikawa
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Tuesday's are my crazy day of the week, and this is how I'm gonna look by the end of it! No reading time today 😕 but got to love my Juno #perfectpets #dogsoflitsy

LitsyGoesPostalOG Love you Juno!! 7y
Cupofjo @LitsyGoesPostalOG ❤️ how can you not love a face like that!? 😂 7y
britt_brooke I had to scroll through your feed hoping for a greyhound pic - love that face!! 7y
Cupofjo @britt_brooke 😂 that‘s my favorite pic of Juno!! But I have a million! 7y
britt_brooke @Cupofjo It‘s the perfect depiction of a greyhound. They are such goofballs! 💕 7y
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Alien Pets | Denise Little
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#catchingup on #awesomeautumnbooks #day15 - #perfectpets

@Dempsey is visiting for homecoming, so we've got a house full of animals this weekend.

Clockwise from the top: Fidget, Astair & Draco, Violet, & Sammy.


Cats on Instagram | @Cats_of_instagram
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Ah yes, the very thing my drying make up brushes needed was cat fur. My #perfectpets and favorite reading companion, Pepe.

mrozzz 😂😆😅 7y
rubyslippersreads 😹😹😹 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Aww. He thought they were his buddies. 🤣🤣 7y
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I saw this notebook at Barnes and Noble today on sale and I couldn't leave without it! It's going to be my 2018 reading notebook! Also even though it's one day late I thought this picture was great for #perfectpets because I don't have any pets of my own! #awesomeautumnbooks

Mimi28 Cute!! 7y
Notafraidofwords I own the tote. 7y
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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I'm again a day behind, but Charlotte's Web depicts the best (and nontraditional) #perfectpets. I love Wilbur and Charlotte!! #awesomeautumnbooks @Jess7

GA_Bookworm07 😍😍😍😍😍😍 7y
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Reading and enjoying kitty snuggles #perfectpets #awesomeautumnbooks

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
Laura317 Love and miss kitty snuggles! 7y
Jinjer Sweet back of the head and I want to do kitty neck massage. 7y
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The Merchant of Venice | William Shakespeare, John Russell Brown
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One photo of Titania and three of Portia, because she's just that photogenic. 😊 However, Titania makes a much nicer reading companion because she likes to cuddle and does not try to eat my book. #perfectpets #awesomeautumnbooks

jbhops Looooove that picture of Titania! 7y
Purrfectpages Great pictures! 7y
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drokka Tatiana looks like she's discussing plot points with you. 😁 7y
Gezemice Oh so cute. Love the name Titania, seems fitting! 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Gezemice Thanks! Her brother, when he was still alive, was named Oberon! 😄 7y
Gezemice @Natasha.C.Barnes Oh, nice! Love it! ❤ 7y
GypsyKat So sweet! 💗🐾 7y
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Your Personal Penguin | Sandra Boynton
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Until we're ready to welcome a new cat into our hearts and home, my penguin pals are #PerfectPets. Pictured here are two of my favourites: Squisher on the left and Gavin on the right. They're both awesome cuddly companions! #AwesomeAutumnBooks

Sace Love those names! 7y
Seekingtardis My hubby sleeps with a penguin and his name is Ambrosia, Bro for short. 😂😍 7y
TK-421 @Seekingtardis OMG Bro! I love it! 😍 7y
TK-421 @RestlessFickleBookSlut Thanks! When I found Squisher, my first exclamation (after a squeak of delight) was "Ooh, he's a squisher!" and the name stuck. I've always loved the name Gavin, and it just seemed to fit. He's a triplet; his brothers are Duncan and Leto. Sadly, they reside in a garbage bag in the garage with several other smoke damaged stuffies. Gavin was only restored to me because my wonderful hubby got him dry cleaned as a surprise gift 7y
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Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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My favorite reading companion 💗
#PerfectPets #AwesomeAutumnBooks

GypsyKat So cute!!! ❤️ 7y
IMASLOWREADER awww what a cutie pie 7y
youneverarrived Cute! 💕 7y
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mrozzz @GypsyKat @MizDoniaBuding @youneverarrived she's such a cuddle bug ☺️ 7y
AmyG She is so cute. 7y
mrozzz @AmyG she is!! 🙂🙃🙂 7y
tammysue 💛💛💛 7y
Jinjer Oh that's cute! Name? 7y
mrozzz She is Lola @Jinjer 😊 7y
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