#myyearinbooks #istartedmorethanthis #partone #missingthechildrensbooks #partthree
So I may have gone a little crazy during the #bookoutlet scratch and dent sale...#bookstack #partone
The first time I went to Russell Books today #bookhaul #PartOne #BooksthatdontstartwithK #LitsyAtoZ
Admittedly I've only read like 2 Stephen King books cover to cover. I've gotten halfway in some. He's one of those "have to be in a very specific mood" type authors for me. So far this one, #scaredycat I've seen the movie but the book. Sooo much creepier and I'm only about 300 pages in! #novemberland #muchlove #weallfloatdownhere #pennywise #partone #derry