When the weather is nice, I love going out on bicycle rides. Pictured here is me & @MJSanty on a rented tandem bike during a lovely May Day. #nonreadingpursuits #uncannyoctober
When the weather is nice, I love going out on bicycle rides. Pictured here is me & @MJSanty on a rented tandem bike during a lovely May Day. #nonreadingpursuits #uncannyoctober
My shell collection from yesterday's visit to the beach. #imayhavegoneoverboard #beach #nonreadingpursuits
#nonreadingpursuits I'm a hobby cookie baker! This is one of my all-time favorite sets; made multiples of these as gifts for my "guys" I do support work for last Christmas (I'm an executive administrator and also run a small marketing department).
#nonreadingpursuits pic from the Corning Wineglass half marathon a couple of years ago. I have been slacking on my running lately but hope to become more consistent when I retire at the end of the year. #uncannyOctober
When I'm not reading books, I mostly watch K-drama ❤❤ I'm so glad I discovered them! I don't know what I'd do without them! Honestly! They are the best😍😍 Currently watching School 2017 and it's so amazing!
#nonreadingpursuits Number 3 (the last one, I promise): Throwing theme parties, DIY projects, and generally designing and building shit. 😍 #uncannyoctober
#nonreadingpursuits Number 2: cooking, baking, and especially making cocktails--mostly for events and occasions. I tend to do a lot of big-batch freezer cooking because cooking every day is so much less fun. #uncannyoctober
#nonreadingpursuits: backpacking! (One of many loves) I love backpacking but I mostly hate day hiking...probably because it's all the pain with so much less reward! There is nothing like a long trip to recalibrate you and make you feel like a badass. #uncannyoctober 👣🌲⛺️
A couple of my #nonreadingpursuits are hiking and tribal belly dance. It's still a little bit warm yet for a good day hike, but soon I'll be able to get out there again. I've got a dance show on Saturday that I've been preparing for. After that, I'll have a bit more free time when I no longer have 3 rehearsals a week. Then I can read more again. #uncannyoctober
#uncannyoctober #nonreadingpursuits
Just a few of my many non reading pursuits.
I love to snow ski. I tried snowboarding but it's not for me.
I love to ride my bike on the beach.
I love to ice skate and I love being an aunt to my niece and nephews.
I love my chocolate lab Sadie.