The Bastard Sons of Oedipus: Episode 8
#athinsliceofanxiety #freewill #determinism #compatibalism #freedom #illusion #streaming #now #whatthefuck
The Bastard Sons of Oedipus: Episode 8
#athinsliceofanxiety #freewill #determinism #compatibalism #freedom #illusion #streaming #now #whatthefuck
This is not a drill!!!! There is a sequel to one of my favorite books of all time! I was not prepared for this news! Omg, yes! Need right now. Actually no, need to reread the five people you meet in Heaven and this this one!
#excitement #sequel #yes #mitchalbom #heaven #favorite #preorder #now #mpls #twincities
I‘m 100 pages in & I‘m hooked. Instantly invested in Jazz! He is deeply complex. Love how natural Jazz & Howie‘s friendship is. Jazz is an interestingly relatable character. Excited to read what happens! ❤️📚 #books #ihuntkillers #barrylyga #thriller #psychological #mystery #crime #novel #reading #now #litsy #pick #sogood
Birthday present from the hubby! I‘ve been wanting the paperback set for such a long time. So pretty!
#now the question is....do I keep them in their case. Hmmm
True love - A Practise for Awakening the Heart
The Miracle of Mindfulness
#ThichNhatHanh #now #breath
Happy Release Day @Claireluana everyone go get this book! It‘s book 2 so make sure to get book 1 as well!! You will not regret it and you will devour both of them happily, with relish!! #getthem #doit #now . Also how fabulous is this cover art!? Droooollll!!!!😍🤤🤤
I underlined this book like I was going to have a final on it at the end of reading it. It's insane. Quantum physics + mixed with hope + truth + work = success in ALL that you do. That alone should make you want to read this book. Like, yesterday. Written a hundred years ago but as modern sounding and relevant today. Go. Read it. Change your life. #readit #now #themasterkeysystem #charlesfhaanel
Holy. Moly. What a phenomenal middle-grade read. Just so good. For kids or adults, a fantastic read. Perfect voice and I love the lead protagonist's POV. Wonderful plot twist. Perfection. Obviously a Newbery Medal Winner for a reason. #readit #now #rebeccastead #whenyoureachme
This series is very #multiethnic it's covers alllllll kinds of humans and aliens. And this rag tag Family respects each other and their cultures! #loveitreadit #now #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading