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Elements of Style | William Strunk, E B White
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November was rough so getting any reading done at all was an accomplishment! Nanowrimo consumed nearly all my spare time & dealing with all kinds of stressful life, health, & work issues used up the rest of my energy. I wasn‘t able to participate much in any of the November challenges but I hope December will be better! My #FavoriteNovemberRead was the tagged book, much to my surprise. #GratefulReads #NamasteNovember #NovStats

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you are feeling better ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
OriginalCyn620 Hope things are getting better! 5y
Eggs I hope December and a New Year will be better for you 🤗 5y
TK-421 @Eggs Thanks! 🤗 5y
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The last half of November kind of kicked my ass. Between all the busyness of my birthday, Thanksgiving break, my phone dying, and then just yesterday having to deal with a damaged windshield has been a lot. Didn‘t get to participate as much as I wanted in #NFNov or even my own goal of #NetGalleyNovember. Looking forward to #WinterGames next month though! #NamasteNovember #NovemberStats

Eggs You did very well despite the distractions 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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The Ruin | Dervla McTiernan
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#GratefulReads #FavNovRead #NamasteNovember #NovStats #MadonnaNovember #Amazing
Decent month. I read a total of 8 books
1 fiction, 2 historical fiction, 5 mysteries. 2of the mysteries were audio books.
Given my crazy month, it is #Amazing I read this month!
Favorite book: November Road

Eggs Great books! Great reading month👏🏻 5y
Cinfhen What did you think of 5y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen Wonderful character development, kept me guessing, really had clue about ending or who was responsible for what. This predates The Scholar which I read first. Because I am a chicken( thrillers keep me up so avoid them) it‘s hard to gauge for others but it was suspenseful for me. (edited) 5y
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OriginalCyn620 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Cinfhen I started on audio but it was confusing so I‘m waiting for my library request. It seems like a well written “thriller” ~ I‘m looking forward to reading it. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen It is a complex book, many layers, characters seemingly not connected in the beginning. I read the Scholar, her second book first (no audio) which provided some background on the characters. 5y
Cinfhen Should I go that route as well?? 5y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen I think The Ruin might be fine in book form-That‘s what I did with the scholar. The audio/The Ruin,I had to repeat chapters some times To figure out what was going on. I am thinking this author is better as a book. So start with The Ruin when you get it. (edited) 5y
Cinfhen Thanks 🙏🏼 that‘s the plan!! 5y
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The Downstairs Girl | Stacey Lee
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My favorite post of the month is showing you my Nov wrap-up through my #indexcard bullet journaled format. I‘ll finish up Timepiece today and that will mean the month was 50% fiction to nonfiction. ...Tagging The Downstairs Girl because those letters were so fun to create - even after erroneously writing girls in plural and deciding oh well.

#NovemberWrapUp #NovemberStats #NamasteNovember. #bujo

wanderinglynn Awesome month! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉 5y
rockpools Love seeing your wrap-up posts! 5y
marleed @RachelO @wanderinglynn Thank you! I‘m not sure which is more fun - creating the card - or having a touchy feely way to look at all I‘ve read in 2019. 5y
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Eggs Beautiful collection!! Thanks for posting this ❤️ @marleed 5y
Copwithabook Beautiful art work! 5y
readordierachel What a fabulous way to show everything! 5y
Bookishlie I love seeing this! What a wonderful idea:) 5y
marleed @Copwithabook @readordierachel @Bookishlie @eggs Thank you. I never would have thought of doing this without Litsy inspiration! 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Eggs You had a great month! 5y
Soubhiville Wow! That is a great month! 5y
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Quichotte | Salman Rushdie
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I‘ve read so many books this month I can barely contain them in a single photo! #NovemberStats: 18 books finished (3 started in October), 2 in progress. #FavoriteNovemberRead was Quichotte. Most disappointing was Little Fires Everywhere.

#NamasteNovember @Eggs
#GratefulReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 Impressive! 5y
Liatrek Very nice 🎉 5y
Eggs What a great reading month! 5y
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Allylu This is going to sound really dumb, but how do get your book covers arranged like that? 5y
BeckyandBooks Wow, what an impressive month! I was also very disappointed with Little Fires Everywhere. 5y
marleed I disliked LFE after I finished the book more than during the read. I didn‘t like how the author painted Mia the better parent to Elena. I think she should have let the reader decide. For me Mia made some life choices that failed to make her a paradigm of parenting. I‘m curios how the adaption will present the two. 5y
TheEllieMo @marleed yes! That‘s exactly how I felt, too. I felt like I was being manipulated to favour Mia, and Bebe, over Elena, and Linda McCullough. There were some complex questions being asked in the book, but I would have preferred to feel I was making up my own mind. 5y
TheEllieMo @Allylu I use an app called PicCollage 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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#NamasteNovember @Eggs

📗 9 books reads
📗 1 book is a DNF, The Deserter by Nelson and Alex DeMille.
📗 We Are Legion was a reread.
❤📗 The Night Circus was my favorite.

Eggs Lovely👏🏻👏🏻🤗 5y
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The Familiars | Stacey Halls
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#NamasteNovember My November stats - a slow reading month as lots of birthdays; plus Columbine was a slow and difficult read. Thank you @Eggs for the challenge, I‘ve enjoyed it very much.

Eggs My pleasure! Thanks so much for playing the challenge! 5y
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Resistance | Jennifer A. Nielsen
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
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In November | Cynthia Rylant
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Day 30 - #NovemberStats #NamasteNovember

These are my November reads.

Eggs You had a great month!! 5y
RachelAmphlett I‘ve added a bunch of these to my TBR now 😂📚📚 5y
EadieB @RachelAmphlett Great! It was a wonderful reading month for me! @Eggs (edited) 5y
Crazeedi Well done!! 5y
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