Starting this one tonight!
#MonthaofZusak #AuthorAMonth
#CatsOfLitsy #Shadow has claimed this box as his and it now sits in the middle of our living/dining room and he sits in it like this for hours at a time 😆😆😆 @Zelma #Shippy
Zelma See, Shadow already knows this is a good one. 😻 6y
BridgetteM So excited! I‘m starting it Saturday! 6y
MinDea @Robothugs @Coleen_Nieto @Tanisha_A @kspenmoll @julesG @thereadingowlvina @Amor4Libros @suelizabeth @That-Bookish-Hiker @Crazeedi @CaroPi @Blueberry @BookwormAHN @Leniverse @Joanne1 6y
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Amor4Libros @MinDea I might start this weekend. I have quite a few books I want to get to this month, and this one might get pushed again 6y
hgrimes How‘s that guy doing?? 6y
CaroPi I will start tomorrow (hopefully) 6y
MinDea @hgrimes he is doing OK! He seems to have perked up and is doing a lot better these last few weeks. How are your kitties doing? I just got your card. Thank you so much. It's so cute! 💙 I totally failed this year and didn't send cards to anyone! 😩 6y
julesG I'm halfway through this one. Thanks for pushing me out of my comfort zone. 😉 6y
BookwormAHN I loved this one and it was completely out of my comfort zone 😺 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker Shadows such a cutie. 6y
Leniverse Eep! Are we reading that this month? 😂 I don‘t stand a chance. I‘ll have to postpone it. Again. 😜 6y
hgrimes @MinDea I‘m so happy he is doing well! That‘s the best news! My kitties are undignified little miscreants who believe everything is a toy, including the Christmas tree, wrapped gifts NOT addressed to them, and used tampons they dig out of the trash! I‘m sending them away to Abu Dhabi. 6y
AlaMich Wow, Shadow has a very long attention span! Our cats have always been like, “BOX! Must sit in the box, must—oh, look, a dust bunny! Must chase the dust bunny!” And then they never play with the box again. 6y
MinDea @AlaMich Shadow LOVES boxes. And just flat items that he can sit on. I think it's his job to sit in them or on them. 😆😆😆 6y
MinDea @hgrimes ?????? he has been acting atad aggressive in his old age. Yesterday my boyfriend walked by him and bit him ? (not hard but enough that he shouldn't do that!) And a friend was dog sitting for us a few months ago and he ran across the room and like "attacked" him". And he has been sort of mean to Burley. Not sure what is going on there. Worried he doesn't feel good but hiding it well.. ? 6y
hgrimes @MinDea awwwwww poor old grump! My cat, Odinn got super moody and unpredictable in his senior years. I found it entertaining! Other people did not! But he had no teeth and the dude was like 20, so I let him do whatever made him happy. 6y
Andrew65 Brilliant book! Enjoy. (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @MinDea Why did your boyfriend bite him! 😳🤣 6y
MinDea @Andrew65 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
AlaMich Sometimes I think if their eyesight and hearing start to decline, they get startled and scared easily. So they “defend” themselves by attacking. 6y