When a company doesn't realize that you work at a different kind of theater 😂😂 We got this in the mail at the MOVIE theater the other day. I told my boss it came just for him 😁
It‘s ALWAYS the Mother‘s fault.
I was going to move this book for the photo but then I noticed how nice it already looked sitting on top of my handbag!
This is a spiritual autobiography as told through the books Lewis encountered in his youth. Unfortunately, most of these books were classics I‘d never read so it was sometimes difficult to follow.
I found this to be rather academic but there were certainly some gems to be found. Also, I had to forgive a #MisogynyMinute or two.
This lasted less than 10 minutes. Just awful. How does one read/listen to such badly written and offensive portrayals of women? #misogynyminute
This is old and I'm sure has been posted before but seriously?!
Do some men just refuse to learn about women and their bodies?
He thinks women can't pee with the maze in our bodies!?!? 🤦🏻♀️
Not my picture. Not sure original person to post.
“Having made this communication, and furthermore thanked Heaven with great fervour and heartiness, the good lady, according to the custom of matrons on all occasions of excitement, fainted away directly.”
“Do what she would, she only looked better for it and tempted them the more. When her eyes flashed angrily, and her ripe lips slightly parted, to give her rapid breathing vent, who could resist it?”
It goes downhill from there.
I have never liked Dickens‘s depiction of women but this is the worst by far.
It‘s not #MisogynyMinute it‘s more like #MisogynyHour .