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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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Here‘s my five-star (11.5 minute) review over on BookTube: https://youtu.be/1ZH_uynNcqY


Tamra Glad you & buddies loved it! 😊 I‘m ok being the outlier. 7y
LeahBergen Oooo! I‘ll check this out this evening (when the visiting family is gone). 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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This article gives some fascinating details about how deeply the novel - which I finished a day or two ago and absolutely loved – is autobiographical!



LeahBergen Thanks for sharing this. 👍🏻 7y
batsy Lovely, I can't wait to read it. 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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LeahBergen I‘m almost finished! 7y
shawnmooney Me too - plan to finish the last twenty pages right now! @LeahBergen (edited) 7y
LeahBergen I cried. 😭 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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Marchpane Your excerpts from this book are attention grabbing! 7y
shawnmooney @Marchpane it really is quite something! For a short little novel, it packs quite an emotional wallop! (edited) 7y
AlaMich @shawnmooney I second that emotion!! 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 😂👍 This sounds like something I would do! 7y
LeahBergen I loved this bit! 😂😂 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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What a deep delight this wee novel is so far!


AlaMich I totally agree! 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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Finished this last night, told myself "Stop snivelling"; wrecked to tears anyway. A modest but beautiful gem of a book. The garden is a metaphor for how to live & the metaphor can occasionally be heavy-handed, but the prose is lucid & precise, attentive to the small details & the inner landscape of a person's unpredictable heart. Written in homage to Virginia Woolf, & also about the life of reading/writing/communing with nature. Life-affirming.

batsy I feel like I should buy copies to give to people who have had their heart broken for any reason. Everyone, basically. It's like a curative for the soul, a balm, to read it at this point in my life, even though the ending is far from happy. That's what I take from this book: Life will break your heart, but it offers you riches. Don't turn away from it. #LostGardenBuddyRead #spinsterlit 7y
mklong What a lovely review! I feel like I need to read this right now 7y
kspenmoll Wonderful review! 💕 7y
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Marchpane This sounds amazing, definitely stacking! Love the #spinsterlit hashtag too 👏 7y
batsy @Marchpane Thank you! And yeah, those are some of my favourite books to read 😊 7y
LeahBergen Lovely review! I need to put down Middlemarch and jump back into this buddy read (but Middlemarch is soooo good right now). 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Sounds lovely! 7y
saresmoore Gorgeous review! 7y
batsy @LeahBergen Thank you! I know, it's hard to tear oneself away from Middlemarch! Especially for monogamous readers like us 😂 I couldn't read anything else. 7y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm It is, especially the language 😊 @saresmoore Thank you :) 7y
Leftcoastzen Sounds wonderful ! Nice review. 7y
LauraBrook What a wonderful review. Makes me want to dive into my copy...if I could find it right now, that is. 7y
batsy @Leftcoastzen Thank you! 7y
batsy @LauraBrook Thank you! I hope you'll be able to pull out the books you need from your shelves very soon 😁 7y
readordierachel Sounds Lovely! Stacked. 7y
RohitSawant This sounds wonderful! Great review! 7y
batsy @ReadOrDieRachel @rohit-sawant Thank you so much! I'm always nervous when I love a book, I'm never sure if anyone else will like it 😆 But if you do try it I hope you enjoy it! 7y
vivastory Excellent review. Adding to TBR! 7y
batsy @vivastory Thank you! 7y
AlaMich I'm halfway through and loving it. I identify with Gwen quite a bit...introverted, always wondering what others think of me, not a great "joiner" of groups. 7y
batsy @AlaMich It's lovely to hear that! I could relate to her a fair amount, too ❤️ I think Humphreys has written her with a great deal of empathy & subtle humour. 7y
Tamra I‘m glad you liked it! 😁 Makes me wish I could have passed my copy onto you. 7y
batsy @Tamra Aww, it's ok! I hope you can trade it in at a used store for a book of your choice 😀 7y
LeahBergen @batsy I finished it last night! 😭😭😭😭😭 Damn, my own weepiness took me by surprise. 7y
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The Lost Garden | Helen Humphreys
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A #bittersweet quote about longing. The sweetness of desire and the pain of feeling undeserving of the thing (or place, or person) that one wants.

#QuotsyNov17 @TK-421 #LostGardenBuddyRead

LeahBergen 💕 7y
BookNAround Loved this book. She‘s a gorgeous writer. 7y
batsy @BookNAround She really is! I finished it last night and was so deeply moved. @LeahBergen This book is all the 💕 7y
AceOnRoam Love this pic ❤ 7y
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In the Skin of a Lion | Michael Ondaatje
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Megan, I came home to your package today and I just want to say thank you. Your choice of books is perfect—they are both TOTALLY in my wheelhouse—and the candy, well...YUM!!! I am looking forward to the Coffee Crisps especially 😉. This was so very thoughtful of you....😘

#youreawesome #bookmail

TheKidUpstairs Wow, that was fast! I just mailed it out on Friday! Enjoy 😁 7y
AlaMich @TheKidUpstairs Fast indeed!! Something the US postal service is not exactly known for. 7y
LeahBergen That's a mighty Canadian parcel! 🇨🇦🇨🇦 7y
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LeahBergen Oh! And we are doing a casual #LostGardenBuddyRead this month, too. 👍🏻 7y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I just started it this morning so I can join in the #lostgardenbuddyread! 😊 7y
LeahBergen @AlaMich Awesome! I‘ll have to catch up - I can‘t seem to put Middlemarch down lately ❤️ 7y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I know the feeling! 7y
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