Worth the wait?!?
Worth the wait?!?
Next up number 4️⃣ starting tonight before have tea and watch film after. #libraryhold read 8 books this months that‘s double then normal. Yay 😀 👌
My #libraryhold from Libby just came in. This is another book I won from a Goodreads giveaway but I‘m going to listen to it on audio.
I placed a hold for this book on Libby. I won a physical ARC of this book from a Goodreads giveaway but I want to listen to this book on audio. I‘m just waiting for my hold to come in. I pulled the book off my bookshelf and read the first chapter. I don‘t know what to think about the first chapter but I still want to read this book. It sounds interesting but I don‘t know if I‘m going to like it or not.
#libraryhold #libbyapp
I absolutely loved this. Both Fallon and and Ben are very likeable.
#SuperSeptember #LibraryHold @Andrew65
I started this book yesterday after my #libraryhold for it came in on the Libby app. It‘s good so far. This is another book I‘m reviewing for Bookish First. I‘m happy that I‘m almost finished reviewing the books that I won from Bookish First. Eventually, I would like to read the physical ARCs that I have on my bookshelf. I have a lot of them. Every time I look at them, I feel guilty that I didn‘t read them sooner.
Yay! My #libraryhold just came in. The wait time for this book was 2 weeks but I got it early. I‘m almost finished listening to Murder Mile by Lynda La Plante so this is the next book I want to read. I have to review this book for Bookish First because I won a physical ARC of this book.
This just came in from my #LibraryHold list 💓❣️💓 After a heavier read, I‘m ready for something light-ish
Using for #pop22 #TakesPlaceOnAHoliday 🌴☀️👙
Also on @Jas16 #Top21of21 list 🧡