#Chloe and I are all settled in bed to start another adventure for #BookToScreen with the love story of Buttercup and Westley! I can't believe I have never read this before!
#CurrentlyReading #CatsOfLitsy #CatsNBooks #InsomniaAndReading @mcipher
#Chloe and I are all settled in bed to start another adventure for #BookToScreen with the love story of Buttercup and Westley! I can't believe I have never read this before!
#CurrentlyReading #CatsOfLitsy #CatsNBooks #InsomniaAndReading @mcipher
"A book becomes a living thing only when it interacts with a reader. What do you think happens in the gaps - the unsaid things, everything you don't write? The reader fills them from their own imagination. But does each reader fill them how you want, or in the same way? Of course not. "
#Quote #CurrentlyReading #InsomniaAndReading
"Secret truths are the lifeblood of a writer. Your memories and your secrets. Forget plot, character, structure; if you're going to call yourself a writer, you need to stick your hand in the mire up to the wrist, the elbow, the shoulder, and drag out your darkest, most private truth."
#CurrentlyReading #InsomniaAndReading #Quote