#LitSolace #Hyggehour readathon
Set some time aside for your #hyggehugs to set yourself for the start of a new week. Enjoy x
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88
#LitSolace #Hyggehour readathon
Set some time aside for your #hyggehugs to set yourself for the start of a new week. Enjoy x
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88
Held out for as long as I could with this hygge bowl viewing, but I‘m going to bed now. See you next week #HyggeHugs
#naturalitsy #hyggehugs #midwintersolace #Sunday
Surprised by snow today,illuminating our Christmas ball.
My reading couch
Books! Framed New Yorker covers about reading/books
Serenity outside my kitchen window
Birthday cake!
Em asleep on the warm radiator
Tonight‘s pot roast by hubby-perfect for the cold
Poe says hi from the radiator
Me at PT healing slowly
Our last Sunday together-I am so sad.Wish this could go on forever. #wintersolace???
#Midwintersolace Sunday #Hyggehugs
After a day of painting my new, cosy bedroom, I'm looking forward to settling down to finish Tom Lake for our #Hyggehour readathon.
I'll start the wallpapering tomorrow. 😊
@Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @jenniferw88
Moments of hygge this week inspired by the amazing package of sweet smells from @Chrissyreadit Thank you friend 💜 Also a selection of new teas I splurged on since it‘s been so bitterly cold, and adventures in cooking. Neither of these are from recipes but they‘re definitely inspired by the #mtcookcook posts and our #naturalitsy buddy read floating around in my head.
#hyggehugs #midwintersolace