Watching a childhood tradition with my son. Discussing how they should be kinder to Charlie Brown. #greatpumpkin #halloween #classictv #TeamHarkness #6points #scarathalon
Watching a childhood tradition with my son. Discussing how they should be kinder to Charlie Brown. #greatpumpkin #halloween #classictv #TeamHarkness #6points #scarathalon
Watching a childhood tradition with my son. Discussing how they should be kinder to Charlie Brown. #greatpumpkin #halloween #classictv #TeamHarkness #6points #scarathalon
The citizens of Winklethorpe are in terrible danger. Young scientist and inventor, Fuzzy Jones, has tried to warn them but who listens to kids? Scorned by all but a few trusty friends, Fuzzy crafts an audaciously cunning plan. With the clock ticking, can he and his friends complete the great pumpkin deliverance, saving the villagers from certain doom?
This one isn‘t in the database. I love this cover.
#greatpumpkin #spooktober
Day 31: Happy Halloween - Friends that #read together, stay together ... while waiting for the Great Pumpkin ... 🎃😂 #bookishwackyholidays #octoberbookchallenge #happyhalloween #cornmaze #greatpumpkin #pumpkinpicking