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No One Is Coming to Save Us | Stephanie Powell Watts
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Sunday afternoons of football and lesson planning and some reading for fun are back. Finding this book a little difficult to get into but I‘m sticking with it for now! #GoPats

A Ladder to the Sky | John Boyne
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I know a lot of you aren't interested or boycotting, but I won't be getting much reading done tonight because I'll be cheering on my beloved Patriots. But I did read a huge chunk of the tagged book this morning and I am absolutely loving it. Enjoying your evening, whether it's watching the Super Bowl, waiting for the commercials, or reading! #gopats #superbowlLIII

Bookwormjillk Go Pats!! 6y
Laughterhp Go Pats!! It‘s always nice to see other Pats fans on here! Everyone‘s always hating on them 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Amiable Go Pats! 👍🏼🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
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hes7 Go Pats! @Laughterhp Someone actually stopped me in the grocery store today to tell me she appreciated my Pats jersey; apparently, she just moved to CO from NH and has only been hearing hate. 😂 6y
Amiable BRADY!!! GOAT! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 @Jilly6183 (edited) 6y
Laughterhp Woooo!!!! Yay!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 6y
hes7 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 A great game! 6y
BookNerd9906 ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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There is no reading happening tonight! Nail biter!

#gopats #patriotsfan #nailbiting #noreading 🏈🏈🏈

Lauren.Archer OMG I am about to have a heat attack 6y
Laughterhp @Lauren.Archer seriously!! 6y
The_Heeler_Booklife I‘ve been reading on and off, but this game is intense. But, I am rooting for the Chiefs. Sorry. 🙈 I‘m a Ravens fan. I do think with how close they are (the Pats), they‘ll win. 6y
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Laughterhp @allthingskayla It‘s okay. Everyone hates the Pats 🤷🏻‍♀️ I‘m used to it! It doesn‘t offend me lol 6y
sammisho Heartbreaking!!! We are a sad bunch in my house tonight! 6y
Laughterhp @sammisho Sorry about that! It was a really good game though!! 6y
minkyb Unaplogetic Pats fan here! Although I am a Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes. Last night nearly killed me. 6y
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Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison
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Watching my beloved patriots play but needing a book to soothe the tension. Going to at least hold this and maybe start reading a few pages.

Hollie Go chiefs! ♥️💛 6y
Lcsmcat A great book, but I‘m not sure “easing tension” is one of its characteristics. 😀 6y
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Happy Sunday, Littens! #dogsoflitsy #gopats

Relentless: A Memoir | Julian Edelman
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To celebrate tonight's kickoff, I just preordered a signed copy of Edelman's memoir!! #GoPats 🏈

It's Good to Be Gronk | Rob "Gronk" Gronkowski, Jason Rosenhaus
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One of my #happyreads is from Rob Gronkowski. It is exactly how you would expect a book by him would be and it just makes me laugh. Plus it reminds me when I got the chance to meet him a few years ago. 😄🏈#marchintoreading

asiriusreader GRONK!! #gopats 👍🏻 8y
asiriusreader And so cool that you got to meet him!!! 8y
FairyHighRoad @asiriusreader I won "worst throw" at his football clinic so I got a pic with him. I'm glad my horrible sport skills came in handy ? 8y
asiriusreader Lol, I love it!! 😂 8y
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Well, dear Littens, I only made it about 8 hours and 43 minutes for this #24in48 #readathon. Life and errands and playoff football thwarted me from reading much today. I wish the rest of you #readathoners luck in reaching your reading goals. Now to root on my boys. #gopats #onemore #proudreaderandfootballfan

Lauren.Archer GoPats 8y
asiriusreader Yes @Lauren.Archer !!! Excited and nervous all at once! 😬😬🏈🏈 8y
Lauren.Archer @asiriusreader very nervous. All the commentators seem to like Pittsburgh in this. I still like New England for this match-up. 8y
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asiriusreader @Lauren.Archer I know...it's nerve wracking for sure, especially after watching the NFC game (which I thought for sure the Packers were going to win). I'm still confident that we can pull off a win, but there's always that sense that in the playoffs, anything can happen! Fingers crossed. And toes crossed. 😉 8y
cewilf Yessss go pats!!! 8y
megt Fingers and toes crossed! So psyched for this game! 8y
asiriusreader @cewilf @megt @lauren.archer we won!!! Onto the Super Bowl!! 8y
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Sacked: A Novel | Jen Frederick
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I feel like @BooksPieAndCoffee will be Interested To Know that the Texans are staying in a hotel five minutes away from my house for the game today. Wonder if JJ Watt traveled with the team? 🕵🏼‍♀️💃👀 Don't mind me, I'll just be sitting in the lobby with my girlfriends! #justkidding #ihavegamefoodtoprep #gopats #12 #edelmanismyboyyyyyy

megt I still have to pick up some game day snacks! #patsnation 8y
BethwithBooks I have the snacks ready and the cutest pattern for little footballs to knit during the game! - I figure the boys won't mind my knitting if I keep it on theme 🏈 #patsnation #gopats! 8y
melbeautyandbooks The Texans will be going home with a loss for sure! #gopats 8y
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Pinkmeghan Absolutely loving hearing from my fellow #patriotsfans Littens! 😍💙 @BethwithBooks @melbeautyandbooks @megt 8y
minkyb I cannot wait for the game to begin. This Atlanta/Seattle game is a done deal! 8y
BooksPieAndCoffee LMAO yasssss!! JJ! 😍😍😍😍 8y
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