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Sandman Slim: A Novel | Richard Kadrey
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#LitsyPSA: I‘ve not read the rest of the series yet but this one is a little gritty with some darkish humor and it was a fast, and sometimes, funny, read. My mom was a nurse so I grew up with some of that dark humor and I really appreciated it. Also, I saw this author at #GenCon2018 and he‘s pretty funny in real life too. It‘s on sale, you know you want to try it!

Soubhiville I thought this was a fun and very dark, snarky series. I enjoyed them! 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @Soubhiville I plan to read more, I just haven‘t gotten to it. The first one was really good! I‘m glad to hear the rest of the series is good too. 6y
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Tea Dragon Society | Katie O'Neill
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I forgot to share the awesome Chamomile pin I got a #GenCon2018! I adore this book (and pretty much everything Katie O'Neill does). ❤🍵🐉

rachelsbrittain That's so adorable!! 6y
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Going Home | Danielle Steel

Still in Indianapolis, waiting at the airport. I‘ve not bought an ebook in days. Mostly that‘s because I‘ve been having fun at #GenCon2018 but it‘s also because someone managed to get my debit card info and I had to shut my account while on vacation. I‘m pretty sure it happened before I even left Texas. I‘m going through ebook purchasing withdrawal, though! Ahhhhhhhhh

DGRachel Oh that stinks! Thieves make me so angry. 🤬 6y
Andrew65 😡🤬 6y
TheWordJar Ugh! I‘ve had to get new credit cards twice in the last year because someone stole the data. So infuriating!!! 🤬🤬🤬 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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#GenCon2018 was a success! I got to meet two awesome littens and several authors. I only bought two new books, and managed to get this entire mountain signed (the only exception being I only got the Weis half of the Weis/Hickman duo)!

With the exception of the anthologies, I now have signed copies (most first edition, first print) of the entire Valdemar series! AND I found out that Terry Brooks has a new Landover book coming out soon!

Librariana Did you get to meet Terry Brooks!?? My husband is a huge fan and I hope we get to meet him someday now that we're back in the PNW 😊 6y
GondorGirl @librariana Yes! He was so nice! Not at all what I expected. 6y
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Mitsy was released from the hospital this afternoon. It turns out she was suffering from environmental toxicity from a hotel renovation that wasn't vented correctly. Rather then getting more rest she insisted on being brought back to the convention so she didn't disappoint her fans. I might have spent more then a few minutes sobbing when I saw that she was truly alright.


CrowCAH Glad she‘s alright! 6y
britt_brooke Great news! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Scary story—glad they could set her back to right! And I love your hair. 👏🏻👏🏻♥️♥️ 6y
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Dragon So glad to hear she‘s recovered! (edited) 6y
Jas16 I am so glad she is ok 6y
CouronneDhiver Thank heavens! 6y
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It‘s signed, made possible by @GondorGirl 😀. If anyone ever tells you bookish people aren‘t right, you remember this - when I said I got a ticket for Scott Lynch but didn‘t have a book a person who lives in my Internet said hey, I‘m going to a book sale let me see what I can do, and she brought this book to #GenCon2018 so I could have it signed.

laurieluna The awesomeness of the Litsy family! Love it! ❤ 6y
GondorGirl Yay! I'm glad you got it signed! 6y
jpmcwisemorgan @GondorGirl ❤️ @miralunasbooknook Yes, the Litsy family is awesome! 6y
knittedgnome That's awesome!!! 6y
RJHowe Book people are awesome. And so is that book! 6y
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Yesterday morning Mercedes Lackey was rushed to the hospital. At first they thought it was a stroke, but now it's looking like environmental toxins.

@jpmcwisemorgan, @knittedgnome, and I went to her signing the day before this happened. I was supposed to meet her again today. This is crazy. And horrible. Hopefully everything works out okay.


(Picture from last year.)

bookwrm526 Oh no!! I hope everything is ok 6y
CSeydel That‘s awful 6y
CatLass007 How terrible! I will be sending good thoughts her way. 6y
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Eelijah I send my prayers. 6y
jfalkens Oh no! Hope she's ok xx 6y
LibrarianRyan Wow. What are they meaning by environmental toxins 6y
Jas16 How horrible. I hope she is doing better 6y
GondorGirl @LibrarianRyan I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that the hotel she was staying in just underwent major renovations. 6y
Dragon I hope she recovers quickly now she‘s away from whatever the toxins are . 🙏 6y
LibrarianRyan @GondorGirl okay. That helps narrow it down to something like mold, asbestos, drywall fungus. I was hoping it wasn't like purposeful toxin. 6y
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Gate Crashers | Patrick S. Tomlinson
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Another book signed at #GenCon2018 - and the author retweeted me! I feel so famous. 😉

WritethebookAnniemae 👏🏼🎉 6y
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More signed books from #GenCon2018!

WritethebookAnniemae 👍🏽😎 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Me, @jpmcwisemorgan, and @knittedgnome met up in the Mercedes Lackey signing line at #GenCon2018! They're both adorable nerds. 😍😍

2BR02B Aw, cute photo! 6y
Eelijah “Hey, ladies!” 6y
callielafleur That's awesome!!! 6y
Cortg I love it! 6y
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