#libraryfind #fridaynightread
Reading before UConn Women‘s basketball game tonight.#MarchMadness #bleedblue
#libraryfind #fridaynightread
Reading before UConn Women‘s basketball game tonight.#MarchMadness #bleedblue
Currently reading “New York”. Right now I‘m reading about the American Revolution. A French aristocrat came to the American side and started training the rebels/Patriots. This part made laugh about how he drilled them and cursed at them in three different languages. And all the while I was reading this passage, Mulan‘s “I‘ll Make a Man Out of You” also kept playing in my head! 😆😆 #letsgetdowntobusiness #historicalfiction #fridaynightread
My hubby got so mad at me because I just wanted to sit there and finish my book. 😂
I love Sarah Dessen. I love the way she writes. I had to put myself in the right mindset to read this book. I don‘t read a lot of contemporary YA.
But I love how Sarah writes conversations. No OMG and slang etc. you know what I mean? They have actual convos. I know that‘s how people talk, but that‘s not how I like to read.
Perfect Friday night! Decided to see if anything was on TV and Harry Potter is on Syfy! It appears to have the deleted scenes which was the best part of watching them on Freeform! 💕
#fridaynightread #currentlyreading #harrypotter #lmpbc
I'm experiencing a book hangover after reading Everything I Never Told You and Lucky Boy. I've picked up several books now and nothing has held my attention; worse the last one annoyed me too much half way through and I quit. Second time I'm attempting this one. #fridaynightread #bookhangovers 📚🤔
I was so lucky to get this book when #EmmaWatson was hiding this in #LondonUnderground :-)
So far I've finished 8 chapters...can't put it down. I'll finish it tonight #FridayNightRead #AmReading #BookSwap
You might earn a living with your pursuits or you might not, but you can recognize that this is not really the point . And at the end of your days you can thank creativity for having blessed you with a charmed, interesting, passionate existence.