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“I am a guest here, charged with serving other guests—even those who present themselves as my enemies. I am allowed to resist them, but as long as I trust in one God who made us all, I cannot act as if they are no kin to me. There is only one House. Human beings must either learn to live in it together or we will not survive to hear its sigh of relief when our numbered days are done.”

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“Very little time in a priest‘s life is spent on ‘holy‘ things. Most of it is conflict management and resolution.”
Or, as a woman priest said in a sermon on ordination, “There are times when the church is like a swimming pool: all the noise comes from the shallow end.”

My church is in the middle of a pastoral transition, and I can‘t tell you how true this is right now. I texted this pic to my former pastor and her response was “Spot on!”

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I bought this faded copy of Practicing Resurrection from the outdoor shelves at Bart‘s Books in Ojai either on my honeymoon or a year later on our first anniversary—nearly 10 years ago. It was fascinating to read it now and see connections that have emerged in the intervening years that made it far more meaningful now than it would have been if I‘d read it back when I originally bought it. It‘s a quiet reflective book, focusing on Gallagher‘s ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d)… journey discerning a call to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church, interspersed with meditations on grief in the wake of her brother‘s illness and death. It‘s a lovely book, and connected with a lot of my own musings on vocation and calling, as well as grief. 8mo
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Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith | Barbara Brown Taylor
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First of several spiritual biographies from the author. I really enjoyed her story personally as I am in a bit of a shifting season. It could relate to her at times and was encouraged even in places I couldn‘t directly relate. Well written and thought out. Enjoyable. Thoughtful.

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Recent acquisitions:

📖 Welcome to the Episcopal Church: An Introduction to Its History, Faith, and Worship by Christopher L. Webber
📖 Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe
📖 My Faith My Life: A Teen's Guide to the Episcopal Church by Jennifer Gambler

#UniteAgainstBookBans #fREADom


I finished the audio book today. The second in this series and I continue to have mix‘s feeling. For the story, the mystery I feel like I am wasting good reading time. But I still want to know how the relationship develops between the two main characters. So I am really tempted to jump to the next one but I have so many better audiobooks waiting.

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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Platoon

Klou Great pick! 2y
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Mysteries of Faith | Mark Allen McIntosh
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It‘s a beautiful Sunday for EFM homework on the back porch. Also I really like these highlighters recommended by MMD.

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This short book is a difficult read, if you take it seriously and really get introspective and honest with yourself. She frequently references how each of us, and the church as an institution, needs to die in order to become something better, like a seed must crack open in order to produce fruit. The basis of the American church, as an institution of colonialism and oppression, is hard to take for those who love it. But we need this book.

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My parish did a book study on this last month, but I was unable to participate. So I‘m going it alone now.