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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Closing Survey for #Deweys24hr #readathon

1. Pretty good. I managed 2 books in just over 14hrs.
2. Nope, I‘m a pantser when it comes to reading.
3. The jam & cream sponge cake the hubby brought me. Mmm🍰
4. Maybe next year?

Had a blast as usual, happy with the books read, maybe could‘ve read more but oh well. Thoroughly enjoyed Lawyer X, I highly recommend it to all True Crime readers👍 Now I‘m probably gonna watch some Shadow&Bone before 😴

Lawyer X | Patrick Carlyon, Anthony Dowsley
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Bk12 of April & Bk2 of #Deweys24hr #readathon is done! As an ebook it‘s also my #doublespin book of April🎉 Wow. This was one crazy story, all the more so coz it‘s true. The blatant crossing of the line where ethics, morality & the law were tossed out the window by the people sworn to uphold it is very disturbing. Not often you feel sorry for the criminals! #NonFictionBingo2021 #PickYourPoison #NerdReading2021 #AussieAuthor21 #CloakDaggerChal 👇

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Lawyer X | Patrick Carlyon, Anthony Dowsley
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Having a quick electrolyte break coz I‘m still not feeling the best. This book! I thought I had a pretty good grasp of what went down during the Gangland Wars & the Lawyer X case, but boy was I wrong. I cannot believe both Vic Police & Gobbo got away with what they did. Takes an extraordinary case to make you feel sorry for the hit men! #Deweys24hr #readathon

Soubhiville I hope you‘re feeling back to normal soon. 💜 3y
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Bk11 of April & Bk1 of #Deweys24hr #readathon is done! The latest in the Wayward Children series, this brings in new characters, Regan, & a new world, The Hooflands filled with kelpies, centaurs & other magical horses. #SeriesRead2021 #StackingTheSeries #PickYourPoison #FinishingTheSeries2021 #Pageathon #PennyPerPage #BookspinBingo

TheSpineView Way to go! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Lawyer X | Patrick Carlyon, Anthony Dowsley
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What the hell Scribd? I‘m 6 chapters away from finishing this ebook when it disappeared because it “expired”. But it‘s still there as an audiobook. What‘s the difference?? Except for I find it easier to read NF instead of listening to it as it‘s easy to get lost in the facts. Guess I‘ll be hoping the local bookstore has a copy tomorrow. So my 1st book of #Deweys24hr #readathon is on hold for now🤷🏻‍♀️.

Lawyer X | Patrick Carlyon, Anthony Dowsley
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And here we go! Let‘s see how many hours I manage this #Deweys24hr #readathon #deweysreadathon

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Finally posting my #Deweys24hr #readathon TBR a few hrs before it starts! I‘m definitely hoping to finish Lawyer X(my #doublespin book of April), then the tagged book but after that it‘s up for grabs. I‘m already a few chapters into Crooked Kingdom but London,Burning sounds amazing. Then again, UndermajorDomo Minor has been on my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom for a few years(I got it in a book swap!) We shall see. Who else is readathonning with me?

Leniverse Yesss, so ready to readathon! 3y
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Newlyn Books | Penzance, Cornwall, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Newlyn near Penzance in Cornwall #VirtualTour

How has Sunday been? Been nice to finally see some sunshine today. Finished the #Deweys24hr Readathon, along with #ReadYourWay #Screamathon #CocoTurns50 #24B4Monday amongst others. 🤣

#DailyCheckIn #Scarathlon2020

Lynnsoprano We‘ve gotten some sunshine, too. It had been raining here for a week. Quiet day here. Yesterday was busy but nice, with @Alisnazzy and her boyfriend with us for dinner. A fun evening. 4y
JacqMac Sunny here, too. Finally. And it‘s warming up a bit. My middle had to go into isolation yesterday. Someone she was training at work tested positive. She has no symptoms, but she has an appointment for a test tomorrow. Hopefully, it will all be good. Im just trying to read and relax today. 4y
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Andrew65 @JacqMac Good luck for the test. 4y
kezzlou85 Beautiful sunshine here too been a lovely chilled day. 4y
CBee I‘m here 👋🏻 Lazy day but I can‘t focus too long on reading 😕😕 4y
TrishB Went out for birthday lunch today, our household only! But good to be out. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Today I took the dog on a two hour walk and let him sniff around a few new streets farther way. He joined me a quick trip to Petco, too. I did some reading this morning and more audiobook listening while out & about. My guy is on his way home after a couple hours in the office and we'll watch WWE Hell in a Cell wrestling. 4y
CocoReads Decent day. We were even less busy today so I actually managed a couple hours of reading at work. Youngest made dinner and oldest came over. Just about ready to settle in and add up my points for this week. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great weekend and beautiful weather!! Trying to stay positive 💞 4y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That takes a lot of effort at the moment. 4y
DieAReader Productive weekend with lots of Readathon reading time & various (reading) sprints done. Many, many long overdue things accomplished thanks to hubs & my girl @GHABI4ROSES for the amazing motivation! You rock! 4y
Andrew65 You both rock 🥰 @Squidget @GHABI4ROSES (edited) 4y
TheSpineView I'm way behind. Sunday was great. Busy but got a lot accomplished. 4y
GHABI4ROSES @Squidget we need to get back to THAT💖 4y
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The Glimpses of the Moon | Edith Wharton
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#deweys24hr #readathon wrap up

I read about 6.5 hrs, and didn't finish anything haha. Made some progress on the books I had on the go, and started 2 others: Red Harvest (bc I need audio for readathons) and Glimpses of the Moon (bc I recently finished Ethan Frome and apparently I'm not ready to leave Edith Wharton's glorious prose quite yet)

This readathon unintentionally brought to me by the theme "moon"...

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My end time on #Deweys24hr Readathon was 13 hrs 36 mins, with one book finished.

131 points #Scarathlon2020

DieAReader Great job!!🥳🤗 4y
Andrew65 @Squidget Thanks 🥰 4y
Clwojick Way to go! 4y
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