St. Magaret‘s at Cliffs, #virtualtour
How was Thursday? Another busy day at school but did make some great plans for next year. 6 days! The local secondary school (across field) closed down today due to the high number of positive cases.

St. Magaret‘s at Cliffs, #virtualtour
How was Thursday? Another busy day at school but did make some great plans for next year. 6 days! The local secondary school (across field) closed down today due to the high number of positive cases.
#Dover, Kent #VirtualTour
Apologies bern missing for a few days been a mixture of Wi-fi issues and totally snowed under. Seven school days but bubbles popping all round us. So far not happened this week in our school 🤞Can we get through 7 more days. However got about 10 days work to do in that time.
Folkestone, Kent. #VirtualTour
How was Friday? Great training day today. End of another week, and only two more to go but given how high cases are feel this could be very tough. Now blaming schools for too many children isolating. Schools are on,y following the government rules. 😡
Stayed at the camp site above.
Dymchurch, Kent #VirtualTour
How was Thursday? Been so busy this week I didn‘t want even get a chance to do a post yesterday, like a whirling dervish these past few days. Hopefully roundabout stop soon.
St Mary‘s Bay, Kent. #VirtualTour
How was Tuesday? One of the better and most productive days in recent times.Middle Leader training for our staff at school, which was very positive and productive.
Littlest one-on-Sea, Kent #VirtualTour
How was Monday? Very bitty day dealing with everything coming at me, but don‘t think I made any significant progress on any project. Was your day any more productive?
Lydd on Sea, Kent #VirtualTour
How was Sunday? Not sunny but fir a change went fir a drive to Scarborough so could take in some sea. Now back to work for 15 more days. 🤞the positive case hadn‘t spread.
Dungeness, Kent #VirtualTour
How was Saturday? Tried to take it easy and now three days without any reading, totally unlike me. Definitely lot my reading mojo. 15 more school days (and counting).
Rye, East Sussex #VirtualTour
How was Friday? Well what a Week! Not even sure I can take in this week and made me feel so incompetent. Good news is all other heads saying the same at the moment. Rounded off today by a positive case and having to shut a bubble and then do track and trace on this. How am I qualified to decide who should isolate or not. I don‘t aware but that is (insert own word here) ridiculous!
Whinchelsea Beach, East Sussex. #VirtualTour
How was Wednesday? Apologies so late, totally swamped by work at the moment and been struggling past few days. Hope you‘ve all had a better time.