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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano
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Loved this so much! A (very) loose retelling of Little women, but really more a story of four sisters, their mother, and one young man who enters their lives. Beautiful character writing, melancholy at times, so full of warmth and love. Sad it‘s over 💕
#booked2023 #pop23 #classicretelling #52bookclub2023 #publishedin23 #bn2023challenge #toughchoice

Cinfhen Great choice for modern retelling! It really was a beautiful story 🥰 13mo
BarbaraBB This sounds real good 13mo
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squirrelbrain I‘m really looking forward to this; shame it couldn‘t make camp. (It‘s not out until July over here, although I have an ARC. Yay for me!) 13mo
KarenUK @squirrelbrain I think you‘ll like it… 🤞.. And yes, shame as it would have made a good discussion.. 13mo
KarenUK @cinfhen @BarbaraBB It was not what I was expecting, in a really good way! 13mo
BarbaraBB Intriguing! I wasn‘t that impressed by her other book but this one seems to call out my name! 13mo
Cinfhen Im not 💯 sure you‘d love it @BarbaraBB I‘d wait for a cheaper copy - I had an ARC too @squirrelbrain 🙌🏻 13mo
KarenUK Good call @cinfhen , I‘m not 💯sure if it‘s for you either @barbarabb 🤷‍♀️ 13mo
Cinfhen By the end I liked it @BarbaraBB but there were too many parts that really dragged for me (edited) 13mo
BarbaraBB @KarenUK @Cinfhen Thanks for the heads-up, I have so many books calling my name that I‘ll wait a bit with this one! 13mo
Cinfhen @BarbaraBB 👍🏽 13mo
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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano
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Wow! 😍 All the feels for this book about a Chicago family loosely based on Little Women. Napolitano doesn‘t shy away from hard topics and difficult emotions.

Four sisters are raised by loving but imperfect parents. The oldest and most ambitious heads to Northwestern in the early 80s where she meets a basketball player with a much less loving childhood. His introduction to the sisters creates an imbalance that continues for over 20 years.

Cinfhen Great review! I really liked this one too in some ways the writing reminded me of this book 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thank you!! I can see that comparison. 👍🏻 I‘m also counting for for #ClassicRetelling #Booked2023 @BarbaraTheBibliophage @alisiakae 1y
squirrelbrain Good to hear! I have this as an ARC but I don‘t think it‘s out here until July, so it‘s not high up on my ARC list. I enjoyed Ask Again, Yes too @Cinfhen and have her new one as an ARC also. 1y
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Megabooks @squirrelbrain I definitely recommend getting to it at some point! I didn‘t know Keane had a new book coming out @Cinfhen . 💯👍🏻👍🏻 1y
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A Thousand Ships | Natalie Haynes
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Pride | Ibi Zoboi
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On Wednesday's episode, we discussed the works of Ibi Zoboi, including Pride, her retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I've been a fan of retellings of classics for a long time--here are a few of my favorites . . . except for Re Jane, which is high on my TBR list!⠀

What retellings would you recommend?

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I love 1,001 Nights. I do not love YA love triangles, which made this retelling hard to stomach. The imagery was beautiful, the characters flat. However, the last part of the book was just good enough that I think I‘ll read the sequel.

I hope the constant eye flicking and flickering every other page is not present in the next one.🙄

#Booked2019 #fairytaleretelling
#pop19 #classicretelling
#readingwomen #lovestory

Weaponxgirl I personally was not a fan of this book at all, but glad you saw enough to want to read more 5y
Weaponxgirl 😊 5y
alisiakae @Weaponxgirl If this was a full series, I would probably have bailed. But I do want to find out what the resolution is to the curse. Plus, the sequel also fulfills several prompts. 😃 (edited) 5y
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Weaponxgirl The prompts thing is always a big one for me. 5y
Weaponxgirl I just couldn‘t get past the idea that I was reading Stockholm feeling as a romance and it really infuriated me. I may not be a ya or romance reader. 5y
alisiakae @Weaponxgirl I feel that way too! 5y
Weaponxgirl @4thhouseontheleft well that does make me feel better! I thought I was just being a Debbie downer 5y
AlaMich The eye-flicking!! 😆 I read a book once—which shall remain nameless—in which the author repeatedly described how people were blinking. “She blinked slowly, he blinked rapidly.” Over and over. It was the worst. 5y
alisiakae Oh, and I think this also counts for #seriesread, if duologies count as a series. @TheSpineView 5y
Cinfhen Ha @AlaMich that sounds infuriating 😂😂I cant read YA for the reasons you mention, Alisia. Great job on finishing both book & prompt 💚 5y
alisiakae @Cinfhen I‘ve found a lot of YA books I really enjoy that don‘t involve exasperating love plots. But I usually avoid anything clearly marketed as a love story, both for YA and adult fiction. 5y
Cinfhen I‘m with you on the romance novels 😜🤪 5y
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My Plain Jane | Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand

LIKES: Bertha! Helen! DISLIKES: Jane. Inaccurate critic of women‘s clothing. Pop culture references made by characters. The very very ending. UNSURE: writing style and framing reminds me of Theodora Gross, but it‘s the author characters who comment for a humor gimmick rather than improving the story. Which is weird... since Bronte is in the story, and the original had Jane talking to the readers, not Charlotte. #classicretelling #JaneEyre