This 1946 edition was my Mom's before it was mine. #bookyouveownedlongest #riotgrams
This 1946 edition was my Mom's before it was mine. #bookyouveownedlongest #riotgrams
Day 23 #riotgrams : I don't remember *not* having these books. I suspect that the two fairy tale books are truly the oldest. The Alice book is the only one dated—when I was 5. I dislike fairy tales, but keep the books for their sentimental value. #bookyouveownedlongest
This book has been on my shelf for close to 60 yrs...still haven't read it. #riotgram #BookYouveOwnedLongest
These are not the oldest books I've owned, but they are the oldest I can get my hands on at the moment. They were all re-issued in 1988, and I got them all within a week of each other (no one bookstore had a copy of each) #BookYouveOwnedLongest #riotgram
Well, since I threw out my old, yellowed copies of my childhood Tricia Belden collection a few years ago, this is one of the books I've owned the longest. (My Lymond collection is a couple years older but I've posted that many times!) Anyway, this is from the Doubleday Book Club from my senior year in high school, it remains my favorite Stephen King. #bookyouveownedlongest #riotgrams
This is the oldest book I have, I believe published in 1923. My Mom bought this book when I was just a thought, long before I was born. It definitely fits today's prompt. #bookyouveownedlongest #day23 #riotgrams
The Book of Live Dolls is a book I've had since I was a small child. I used to wish my dolls would come to life like these did (although now that idea just seems super creepy)!
#bookyouveownedlongest, #riotgram, #riotgrams
I got this book when I was born (35 years ago) and I loved it and made my dad read it to me constantly. (It is well used as you can see by the spine 😀) I rarely open it anymore because I know it'll fall apart, but I love the illustrations and hopefully I'll have a kid someday that'll love it as much as I did! #bookyouveownedlongest
I still have some of my old Magic School Bus books! Apparently I liked to cross out the title and use a stamp of my name in all of them. 🤔#bookyouveownedlongest #riotgrams