Yup, looks like it‘s time for a netgalley time out on requests! Need to read down my shelf and I have no will power for keeping my finger off the request button. I guess this is my accountability post 😜😘
#netgalley #bookproblemsarethebestproblems
Yup, looks like it‘s time for a netgalley time out on requests! Need to read down my shelf and I have no will power for keeping my finger off the request button. I guess this is my accountability post 😜😘
#netgalley #bookproblemsarethebestproblems
I have a #netgalley problem!!!! Absolutely no willpower to stop requesting books. #ARCs #BookProblemsAreTheBestProblems
Decisions. Decisions. I've narrowed down my Kindle First choices to these two but am having a hard time making my final choice. Excited that there were several that peaked my interest this month. #bookproblemsarethebestproblems
Finally moved a bunch of books off the coffee table. It was getting to be too much, lol. So since we don't have any other bookcases for the library yet, I stacked them up at the library's entrance 😊. *sighs* Should set up a GoFundMe or something, lol. #NiceStack!