My new favorite bookmark😍I hope all the mothers on Litsy have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!!!
This was a heartbreaking, beautiful family saga about perseverance and the bond between parents and children, across cultures and time. Loved this!!!!! And the cover is wonderful too. Definitely a favorite. It made me think of One Hundred Years of Solitude.😍
Definitely a pick. This is YA but didn't feel like it to me. This is the strangest dystopian concept I have seen, but it really works. I thought I would like this book, but then I DEVOURED it. If the rest of the books in this series are going to be this good, I can hardly wait for them to be released. Read it, super entertaining!!!
This was a very interesting read. Beautiful language, although at times a little bit much. It reminded me of Lemony Snicket's mixed with Annie mixed with Moulin Rouge (with a touch of feminism).
Started this one on the last night of vacation. Wonderful way to wrap up a relaxing and always transformative trip to the beach!
Fascinating look at a creature I never thought too much about. She tells some good personal stories as well as weaving in many facts about octopuses. We listened to the audiobook on our way to and from a beach vacation and it seemed to be just the right pick! My 6 year old LOVED this book. We also took a peek at the hardcover so that she could look at the color photos of the octopuses described in the book. We all thoroughly enjoyed this one.
This book was excellent. It made me LOL several times. It was a very honest look at mental illness but it was also damn funny. Jenny Lawson is hilarious and so relatable. I also love the cover of this book, it just makes you think, "Now this is going to be interesting." I am going to grab her other book right away!
Today is my birthday and my hubby got me a Kindle paperwhite!!! I haven't had a Kindle since the O.G. one came out about 8 years ago. Pretty excited that my local library loans out Kindle books. I have never read this one (I know, I know), so why not?? Happy Birthday to me😆😊🎂🎉
"Reading.....a vacation for the mind" - Dave Barry
So, I am going on actual vacation in a couple weeks. Maybe I should have saved this book for then, but I couldn't stop myself. Alas, I will need some suggestions for super fun vacation books to read by the pool and at the beach. Some thrillers maybe or something like Siracusa.....anyone????
I have heard some great things about this book, it sounds a little dark (and delicious😉💋👠💄). Time to dig in! I love weekend reading
Such a sad book with some difficult subjects. The theme of this story to me was poverty, true poverty, poverty of love, poverty of the soul. Tough to read but worth it.
Pjs and reading on a Saturday morning is the best! It was even worth dragging myself out of my warm cozy bed. I had a dream that I read books for a job. Too bad I'm a nurse and have no idea how to make that happen, because then I would love going to work everyday!!!!
Definitely a fast, entertaining read. There were so many great things - character development, non-linear plot, references to books and shows, etc that make you think, "This could really happen because that is my world they are reminiscing about." Oh, and I would say someone is quite the Shakespeare fan!
So, pretty excited about this one. Looks interesting!!!
Okay, I've got some very different choices here....what to read next?!?🤔
Whoa, I loved this book! I am kind of sad I waited so long to pick it up. I usually just can't get into books about war. This book was beautifully written, easy to read and hard to put down. There was everything - sorrow, hope, a love story and a nice dose of feminism. I highly recommend this book.