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#BFCgiveaway @wanderinglynn
1 I'm passionate
2 Just one Litten? How can I choose from all the good friends I've made? Ok I'm going to pick @Andrew65 because he has suggested new authors to try, and his choices have all been spot on! I truly appreciate his thoughts and advice.(he introduced me to Montalbano among other great people!)
3 I promise to spend a day creating something with my hands

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
ljuliel @Andrew65 is very kindhearted. (edited) 5y
Andrew65 Aww Shucks 😍 What a love,y thing to do, and has put a beaming smile on my face. I love sharing my favourite series with you and others, but always nervous in cases others don‘t live them. Thank you. ❣ ❣ ❣ 💓 5y
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Andrew65 @ljuliel What a lovely thing to say and this too has put a big smile on my face. 😍😊💓 5y
gradcat @Crazeedi It‘s so true: everybody loves @Andrew65 ... ! But I‘m also using this space to ask you, Diane, a very important question: Is your TBR up to date? 😂 ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat You day the sweetest things 😍 @Crazeedi does have a very healthy TBR. 5y
Crazeedi @gradcat I think so, I did it a couple weeks ago but I will look again! 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 my GR list is even crazier,lol. I'm sure you have an endless tbr list too, we all do! We have a bit of a, you might say, of an addiction!❤❤❤ 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Only a bit of an addiction, I think we all have a lot of an addiction to books and reading. 5y
gradcat @andrew65 & @Crazeedi Y‘all make sure those runamok TBRs are kept current, you hear? P.S. Andrew—I only speak the truth! 😁 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat 😊👍😍 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat I rarely add books to my TBR because so many series I‘m trying to get through, but it still keeps racking up, and don‘t ask me how big my mental TBR. Forget Mount Everest, it‘s more like a mountain range. ⛰ 😳 @Crazeedi 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 exactly!!! 5y
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Stepsister | Jennifer Donnelly
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1. Outward appearance- my hair, character - my intuition
2. @Clwojick was a wonderful host during #scarathlon! She was enthusiastic and gave lots of encouragement!😊
3. I‘m painting my nails today! 💅 #bookfitnesschallenge #bfcgiveaway #bfcr4 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
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1. I like that I‘m artistic.
2. Tagging three amazing women #bfc brought into my life. You guys are the most caring supportive friends.
3. This weekend I will take a bubble bath, so a face mask, and deep condition my hair.

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
Hestapleton Your self-care choices are literally my favorite things. 💕 5y
Hufflepuffle Yay for bubble baths!!! 💜 5y
StayCurious Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend! 5y
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1. I love that I‘m great at communicating and puzzling out ideas! I‘m smart and get my ideas across.
2. Gonna copy but I‘ve gotta tag my girls: @StayCurious @IndoorDame @Hufflepuffle . A random BFC group to led me to some dear friends. They are encouraging, funny, and a delight. I‘ve never felt so supported. 💕💕
3. Spending one hour Saturday with my weighted blanket, book, and tea - NO PHONE. #BFCgiveaway

kamoorephoto I so wish I could afford a weighted blanket right now! It seems like the perfect thing to help me with the transition I am going through, the anxiety and PTSD after leaving an abusive relationship. What do you recommend? Do you love it? 5y
wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
Hestapleton @kamoorephoto this is the one I have (https://amzn.to/2NsjyMo). I ADORE it. The pressure is really comforting and I actually really like it when I‘m sick. It‘s a little too heavy/hot for night, unless you run cold or live in a colder climate. 5y
Crazeedi Love the no phone idea, I may borrow it. And I'd love to get those blankets for my girls and me, as you said @kamoorephoto they are pricey!! 5y
Hufflepuffle I need a weighted blanket!! Your self care hour sounds divine! 💜 5y
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1. Hardest question ever... I like my weird, geeky, silly side that only comes out with people I fully trust.
2. @StayCurious @IndoorDame @Hestapleton I had to tag all three of these wonderful people. They are all lovely, super supportive and I always know I can be honest with them without any judgement 💜
3. I commit to having a long hot bath with a Lush bath bomb, a good book and probably some leftover Halloween chocolate 🛁 📖 🍫

StayCurious That sounds like heaven! I might join you...but not in a creepy way 😉 5y
wanderinglynn That‘s why I asked it—because we all need to practice more self-love. 😉 Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
Hufflepuffle @StayCurious 😂 Do it!! You can‘t beat a nice bubble bath 🛀 5y
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#BFCgiveaway @wanderinglynn 🔷I like that I‘m creative - whether by writing or through handicrafts. 🔶I‘m tagging my girls @Hestapleton @IndoorDame @Hufflepuffle because they are all incredibly supportive and I feel like I‘ve made real friendships. ♦️I‘m taking the day off Friday and I‘m going to watch a couple movies and read🤗

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
Hestapleton Can I stow away on your day off? SO JEALOUS. 5y
Crazeedi ❤❤❤ and beautiful picture!! 5y
IndoorDame Sounds like the perfect day! 5y
Hufflepuffle Your Friday plans sound so good!! 5y
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1. I have nice eyes.
2. The mayor of Litsy @MrBook was very welcoming and helpful!
3. No more late night ballgames so I can finally sleep! Also play with the cat.

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
MrBook ☺️🤗🤗🤗 Thank goodness you‘re still around. 😎🙌🏻 5y
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1. I think I have nice eyes. They‘re blue.
2. @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego is the coolest pen pal ever! She‘s so generous and always slips a bookmark or other treat in with her letters
3. I‘m going to try to go to bed early tonight.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Aww, thanks! 💖💖💖 5y
wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Hey Sarah! I was wondering if you wanted to do another Xmas gift exchange this year? Say 1 book 2-3 goodies? 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Perfect! 🎅🏼 5y
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#bfcgiveaway @wanderinglynn

1. My hair has been very healthy lately. It‘s thicker now and just more shiny. I‘m pretty proud of it :)

2. @TheReadingMermaid for being so awesome with the #TeamStoker #Scarathlon competition

3. I just got a new facial mask I plan on using tomorrow :)

BeansPage Awe shucks 😊 thank you so much darlin ❤️ 5y
wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
ElizaMarie @wanderinglynn thanks for hosting it!
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Exercise | Liz Gogerly, Mike Gordon
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#bfcgiveaway @wanderinglynn

1. There's not a part of my body that doesn't have or hasn't had something wrong with it, but I am quite proud of the facts that I've never broken a bone or needed fillings.
2. @DebinHawaii and her comments from Max! 😹😹😹
3. Will do!

wanderinglynn Thanks for entering! 💜 5y
DebinHawaii Awww...Max 🐱& I thank you for the shout out! 😘😽❤️ 5y
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