This was such a sweet story. I loved every second of it. I can‘t wait for the second book to come in from the library. Ari and Dante are the best!!!
#BenjaminAlireSaenz #AristotleAndDanteDiscoverTheSecretsOfTheUniverse #PrideMonth #LGBTQ
This was such a sweet story. I loved every second of it. I can‘t wait for the second book to come in from the library. Ari and Dante are the best!!!
#BenjaminAlireSaenz #AristotleAndDanteDiscoverTheSecretsOfTheUniverse #PrideMonth #LGBTQ
SOOOOOOOO unnatural!!! I‘m with Dante. I don‘t like shoes either. I wear them when I have to, and they come off as soon as I can get away with it.
#BenjaminAlireSaenz #AristotleAndDanteDiscoverTheSecretsOfTheUniverse #PrideMonth #LGBTQ
Another book I‘ve been waiting a long time to read with a hold that came in just in the nick of time. I didn‘t know Lin-Manuel Miranda read this one. I‘m even more excited for it now. I think I have just enough time left in Pride Month to get through this one. I won‘t have the second book for about 3 weeks, but that‘s okay. I think we need Pride all year round at this point.
~5 June 22~
Q- What are u currently reading?
Am reading #AristotleandDantediscoverthesecretsoftheUniverse and almost halfway through it, I am loving the pace and the story so far..😊
#currentlyreading #books #bibliophile #pridemug #teatimereading
IMAGE- a lit bedside lamp, a small clock & slightly visible canvas painting in the background, a white pride themed mug on a peach color resin coaster with an open book and a bookmark on top.
Raw. Honest. The female story opposite of #AristotleAndDanteDiscoverTheSecretsOfTheUniverse
🐾 QOTD: Do you prefer instalove or the slow burn?
🐾 AOTD: I'm a sucker for the slow burn. Give me a well planned romance that takes time to develop!
🐾 I read Aristotle and Dante a while back and I loved it! I'm definitely going to need to do a reread soon. Have you read this book? What did you think?
Favorite Standalone Books
Best Love Story
This book is one of the most memorable I've read in a good while, definitely my favourite LGBT contemporary read! Both characters had my heart from the first page and I couldn't put it down, I definitely recommend this book! #aristotleanddantediscoverthesecretsoftheuniverse #booklover #ya #bibliophile #bookworm #booknerd #bookaddict #contemporary #bookporn #bookdragon
"There are worse things in the world than a boy who likes to kiss other boys." ?