Great book that chronicles the shaky start, rise, and fall of the USFL spearheaded by Donald Trump‘s ego and very poor business decisions.
Great book that chronicles the shaky start, rise, and fall of the USFL spearheaded by Donald Trump‘s ego and very poor business decisions.
I scheduled my IRL book group meeting for this evening, completely unaware that it was Superbowl Sunday. Yesterday I realized my faux pas and checked in with everyone… there was only one person in the group who had a conflict or cared 😆 So I guess you could say that the above was indeed my Super Bowl party vibe. 🎉📚🎉
Way to go #TeamSlaughter! It‘s been tight, but we‘re still holding the lead! You guys are doing fantastic! 😆Woohoooo! 🦇🖤
New episode just posted over on Patreon! We wrap up our season in football and talk about George Plimpton's Paper Lion. It's a fascinating look at the NFL of the 1960's and a well written glimpse into the minds and habits of a professional athlete. Enjoy!
Working on the Paper Lion episode. Wondering if any big time modern leagues would let some writer actually play. And of they did, would you do it?
Important Announcement! In celebration of the upcoming NFL Playoffs, we are running a little pick-em contest. Each participant fills out a bracket and the most accurate receives a prize (hint, it's a book!) E-mail me at willbebooks@gmail.com or just comment here if you're interested. Also, we are unlocking a few of our football episodes over on Patreon!
Just released our new subscriber exclusive episode on Patreon! We finalize our bookclub read along and talk a little sports, a little sports gambling, and make a few wagers on an upcoming game. Enjoy!
Our new Patreon episode just posted! We're doing a football book club read along! In this episode we present several books for your consideration and then we'll turn around and vote on which one to read. Patrons get an equal vote!