I was today years old when I realized lede and lead were 2 different words 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
I was today years old when I realized lede and lead were 2 different words 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz
1. World War 2, hands down
2. Depends; I enjoy both
3. Sometimes. I am a constant learner, always curious to learn more about interesting subjects and time periods
#gettingtoknowyou #LitsyLove #LitsyLovelies #friends #fun #aboutme #historicalfiction #nonfiction #alwayslearning #alwaysreading #tagyoureit
Wanna play @gabbytes @Hils @BrianHatch @shanes.library @MichaelaMiles
"For the first few weeks it may seem like a baby does nothing but eat, poop, and sleep. But the truth is very different; an infant is creating 40,000 synapses (connections between neurons in the brain) per second."
#currentlyreading #nonfiction #biology #science #socialscience #children #growthanddevelopment #psychology #parenting #parenthood #family #librarylends #hardcovers #alwayslearning #bookblurbs #wow
Almost 3 hrs into the tagged book on #audio during a quick #audiostroll before lunch (that's an #audiowalk with a baby in a stroller) 😁
#currentlyreading #audiobook #readingwithmyears #nonfiction #Libby #Libbyapp #inprogress #alwaysreading #alwayslearning #Litsywalk #nature #outside #LitsyBitsy
• Learning about GERMS 🦠🚽🧼🔬 with Mimi this afternoon. This is quite simply one of the most practical and informative children's books EVER (and so timely!!) Thanks to our awesome Usborne Books & More Book Lady friend who sent us a whole year's worth of FREE UBAM titles of our choice -- including this one!! •
#recentlyread #TBRRead #littleone #science #alwaysreading #alwayslearning #Usborne #LifttheFlapbooks #bloggers #childrensbooks #today
• Always appreciate a pediatric visit where we leave with a book!! We look forward to reading the tagged book and learning about trees •
#childrensbooks #TBR #recentadditions #boardbooks #alwaysreading #alwayslearning #nature