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Maybe in Another Life: A Novel | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I need to move this one up! 1mo
Eggs Great choice 👌🏼👏🏻 1mo
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The Future | Catherine Leroux
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Maybe in Another Life: A Novel | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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Just wonderful.
I love stories about parallel universes. I enjoyed his almost as much as "The Midnight Library". Once again, TJR proves she can write literally anything.

Kristy_K This was the first one I read of hers years ago and I loved it. 4mo
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The Future | Catherine Leroux
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I don‘t think I‘ve ever bailed on so many books as this month. This is another one that started out great (a woman looking for her two granddaughters who went missing after their mother was murdered). Unfortunately it turned into a mix of dystopia, fantasy, and magical realism 😵‍💫
It was an audioread and maybe my English isn‘t good enough but I completely lost track of the storyline and frankly, I didn‘t bother, I just wanted it to be over.

Caroline2 It‘s CampLitsy syndrome. 😂 I‘m so excited about all the new books to look forward to that I‘m struggling to concentrate on my current reads. 5mo
BookWrym All the things you don‘t like make me want to read this 🤣 5mo
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BarbaraBB @Caroline2 That could very well be it 🤣🤣 5mo
BarbaraBB @BookWrym I know! I like all those genres too but this mashup was too much for me. But it‘s probably me, the book won the Canada Reads! (edited) 5mo
Susanita Sometimes too much is TOO MUCH. 5mo
squirrelbrain Definitely sounds too much! 5mo
Suzze I started reading it because it was set in Detroit (where I live) and it won this year‘s Canada Reads (we get CBC tv here). I started it three months ago and am only 11% in. It never calls me. 5mo
BarbaraBB @Suzze It has all the ingredients to be fantastic and I know many people do think it is so it is probably my/our state of mind 😀 5mo
BennettBookworm I set a personal goal this year to DNF any books that weren‘t keeping my interest… and so far I have DNF‘d a LOT! 5mo
Suet624 You‘re my bailing hero. 5mo
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I always feel so stupid, bailing… 5mo
Suet624 I know. I get that. But sometimes it‘s just gotta be done. 5mo
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Maybe in Another Life: A Novel | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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“You can only forgive yourself for the mistakes you made in the past once you know you'll never make them again.”




Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🫶🏻❤️ so true! 5mo
Eggs …but a tough lesson to learn 💞 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (edited) 5mo
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Maybe in Another Life: A Novel | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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Checked into an hôtel yesterday, nice breakfast and now i sort of do not want to move from the nice lourging chair.

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The Future | Catherine Leroux
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I‘ll bet the library staff got a kick out of processing as many books as possible on Leap Day.

For the first sixty pages or so, I thought THE FUTURE was gonna be The One. Since then, though, it‘s skewed too abstract for my tastes and my attention‘s wavered in a big way. I would‘ve bailed if the Canada Reads panelists hadn‘t specifically said it gets rough but it all pays off in the end. Now, with a hundred pages to go, I hope I agree with them.

The Future | Catherine Leroux
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My favourite NEVER wins #CanadaReads, and this year I REALLY didn't think it would (especially after the first two days of debates).

But it did!!! And I'm so excited!

The Future by Catherine Leroux, translated by Susan Ouriou is this year's #CanadaReads winner 🏆🎉 I LOVED this book. It is beautifully crafted and demands time, thought, and attention. In return it offers beauty, magic, and hard fought hope. Highly recommended!

BarbaraBB That seals it. I‘m off to buying it! 7mo
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you find as much love in its pages as I did! 7mo
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The Future | Catherine Leroux
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The writing wasn‘t as gripping as one might hope but the atmosphere and ideas were amazing. In the depths of destruction, these characters do more than survive. These characters wring every ounce of life, joy, and community they can from a chaotic, grim reality. Even in despair, there is magic. #CanadaReads2024

The Future | Catherine Leroux
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Day One about to start! #CanadaReads

Tagged was my favourite, but Bad Cree and Denison Avenue area strong contenders!

BarbaraBB Exciting! I want to read the tagged book too! 7mo
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