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So I have no clue what day it is. I‘m sorry. It‘s been a crazy week. I completely forgot to go to a job interview on Friday morning… so I guess I‘m not getting that one! I promise to post by tomorrow. #fail
#HowToThinkLikeAWoman #ReganPenaluna #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

TheBookHippie Can you post our schedule ? 20h
Chrissyreadit #ohno!! focus on you!!!! 18h
kspenmoll Agree with @Chrissyreadit Take care of yourself. We can wait- put this off awhile ok? 🩵 15h
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The author‘s breakthrough regarding the direction of her dissertation. #adventuresinphilosophy #Howtothinklikeawoman #ReganPenaluna

I lost our reading sections per week-can you advise? Thanks!
Not unsurprising reading about philosophers over the ages consistently viewing women as “ less than”, “Eves” or docile creatures with little intelligence. Love her notes list.

GingerAntics One chapter a week. I never made an official schedule. 17h
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Up at night frequently due to prednisone this week-yay I am taping off! That meant for reading,a positive!
The 1st 7 books right to left are in various buddy read stages. #sundaybuddyread #CampLitsy24 #June #AdventuresInPhilosophy #Little Women #hastagbrigade #nunlit #litsolace #naturallitsy began the Chessman last night #readyourkindle listening to Drop Dead Gorgeous #audible
The last row are books I finished. #readyourkindle

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Can someone please explain to me what the body hell is happening here? I‘ve been staring at this cover for weeks now, and I‘m still confused! Seriously, what is happening here?!
#HowToThinkLikeAWoman #ReganPenaluna #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

kspenmoll Women unseen? Masked? 1w
Bookwomble "Help! I'm trapped in my duvet!" ❓??❓ 1d
GingerAntics @kspenmoll that seems valid 21h
GingerAntics @Bookwomble I might have to go with this one 🤣😂🤣 21h
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Questions, comments, snide remarks? How is the book going so far for you? Anyone else wondering if our little group has been propagating the issues brought up in this book or breaking them down?
#HowToThinkLikeAWoman #ReganPenaluna #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

kspenmoll I am anxious to get into the philosophy in the book. 1w
AlaSkaat I‘m finding it interesting. So far she mentioned a few issues she&others have dealt with, like the inferiority complex. I‘ve always had it, but I am not sure if I ever thought it was because of my gender or of it was just inferiority to whole. Especially since many of my hobbies are manual, which are male by design. It‘s interesting. I‘ve never questioned it 1w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat I actually just heard a commencement speech where the woman speaking said the inferiority complex is the new lie they tell women. It‘s the modern day bicycle face! It was a great speech. I‘ll see if it can find it. 17h
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kspenmoll I do not think this has happened to me- I would remember! 1w
AlaSkaat I do remember a few instances but they were not so bad to leave an imprint and a memory of it. It was more insults than attacks on my gender. But one time my nephew cried and his dad told him ‘what are you a girl crying like that?‘ And that struck me hard. 1w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat we treat little boys TERRIBLY in our culture. We treat girls just at as terribly, just in different ways, but that is beside the point. 17h
GingerAntics @kspenmoll I‘ve definitely had these moments, but only some of them were from my gender. Others were from what I would come to discover was my autism. 17h
kspenmoll @AlaSkaat That is sad. Poor kid. 16h
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kspenmoll I would say both in that both fields necessitated (at least for me)that you question yourself, life, experiences. 1w
AlaSkaat Neither ! I grew up in a Catholic country and probably with little surprise I am an Atheist now. That never felt right to me. But philosophy also answers none of my questions, only adds to them. ‘I was after truth, which didn‘t promise to yield a universe that I would like but rather one that was real.‘ 1w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat I like that quote! 17h
GingerAntics I feel like religion taught me not to trust myself. Philosophy taught me it was okay to question and find the answers there felt right to me. I will agree that neither answers my questions, but I‘m starting to think it‘s not about the answers, it‘s about the questions. 17h
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kspenmoll I did get a good education, but self learning, reading, etc. was always encouraged at my house. 1w
AlaSkaat I will say I lacked in education. I was undiagnosed ADHD&Aspergers, I moved countries when I was 12, I missed out on school half of that year and then joined in 2nd year of HS and spent the next year learning the language while trying to make friends. I didn‘t even think of studying. I left school and worked at 17. Studied few times after but never fully graduated. Have been sick past 8 years. 1w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat that‘s is quite a lot 17h
GingerAntics I feel like I got a better education than most (until we moved to Texas, that of is) and then I did a lot of self learning on my own. 16h
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kspenmoll YES. 1w
AlaSkaat Agree, yes. Like the quote from the book ‘If I didn‘t grasp a concept immediately, I took it as evidence of my dimwittedness.‘ 1w
GingerAntics 100% to all of the above 16h
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kspenmoll Well, I was the 2nd class of women in a Jesuit college & had upper class men & some professors angry we were there. I was totally unprepared for coming from a coed high school. Needless to say it was a radicalizing experience when I went to grad school 30 years later, it was quite different. 1w
AlaSkaat About 7 years ago I decided to take on a Carpentry course in College. I loved to build when I was a child. I thought it well suited. I was 1 of 3 girls in my class and what seemed like the whole place. 1 girl left soon after starting, 1 girl had a very tomboy attitude which I think was partly to try & fit into the space more. The amount of times I was ‘hit on‘ or made sexual jokes that were ‘funny‘ was crazy. > 1w
AlaSkaat < I was looked on like I just woke up one morning and was bored so decided to take on this course. Rather than gaining experience like the rest of them. It was definitely a very uncomfortable experience. Every day walking inside felt like I should just run back out. I did eventually. And I regret not getting my pass because of missing the last few classes and tests because I felt like a fraud. 1w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat I contemplated that type of career. I loved building as a kid as well. I will admit that academia suits me better, but gender was certainly a big part of the decision making. 16h
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