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“Isn‘t that just DARLING, darling?”
This is a darling book set in post WWII Washington and laced with girly friendships that could knock the socks right off of you with ferocity. Touch of murder, some spies and a Pilsbury Bake-Off.
I came across this poem about Ritchie Valens, and wanted to share on the anniversary of "the day the music died."
December. #12Booksof2024
August was another disappointing month reading-wise, so while an honourable mention goes to one of my two September reads, The Cat Who Caught a Killer, for being a bit of fun, my choice for #12Booksof2024 goes to this November read, a delightful 1950s period piece.
Bombay 1950.Inspector Persis Wadia,is the 1st female police inspector in all of India, & endures & fights against all the prejudice that this role brings.A British scholar vanishes & with him, a 600 year old copy of Dante‘s The Divine Comedy.What follows is a fast paced treasure hunt,where Persis is confronted with multiple riddles,codes & ciphers to unravel.Bodies pile up,making it evident that a sinister someone is also seeking the manuscript.
Moral dilemma examined by Inspector Persis Wadia, as she wades her way through a labyrinth of puzzles, clues, ciphers to find a vanished(into the depths of Bombay), 600 year old copy of Dante‘s The Divine Comedy. #serieslove2024 #OutWithTheOldInWithTheNew