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#HauntedShelf is a October challenge where you earn points for reading, participating in readathons or other challenges, and helps tackle those growing TBR piles

You can participate as much or as little as you want. It‘s a little bit of fun

Signups will be open all the way through September


Librarybelle This sounds like so much fun! 3w
AllDebooks Count me in, she says, hoarding all her witchy/horror books into a pile 🍁🖤🍁 3w
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OriginalCyn620 All signed up! 3w
Seabreeze_Reader I signed up. Sounds fun! Thanks for organizing this. 3w
TheSpineView Signed up! 3w
bthegood Thanks - I signed up - 3w
kwmg40 Sounds great! 3w
LibrarianRyan Kind of like the old .... im blanking on the name.....boofest ... nope thats not it. Dang I am getting old. 😵 3w
PuddleJumper @LibrarianRyan Was it Spookoween? That's the only other one I can think of 😅 3w
LibrarianRyan @PuddleJumper Maybe, or spooktober, or booktober. It was always a blast and we did it at Xmas too. Took up so many pages in my book journal. 3w
ShyBookOwl I'm in 🎃 3w
Texreader I‘ve signed up and willing to be a team leader 2w
Bookwormjillk @LibrarianRyan are you thinking Scarathlon? 2w
PuddleJumper @Texreader Thanks! If there are more sign ups I might need to take you up on that! 2w
DieAReader All signed-up!! 2w
PageShifter @DieAReader Thank you for the tag, I have signed up now! 2w
LibrarianRyan @Bookwormjillk YES!!! Ahhhhh that was driving me nuts!! 2w
CoffeeNBooks Yay! Just signed up! 1w
Sace I think I just signed up! 1w
DebinHawaii Just signed up! 🤗 1w
PuddleJumper @Sace Lol yes you did 1w
Allylu So glad I found this! Wouldn‘t miss it! 🎃🧙‍♀️🥳 1w
AnnCrystal Hi, just a question. Should I tag you @PuddleJumper in all my posts? Or just the hashtag #HauntedShelf. Just wondering, thank you 😉👍💝. 1w
PuddleJumper @AnnCrystal You don't need to tag me. I'm happy to be involved! 🤣 Use the hashtag and you can tag your team lead if you want, you didn't need to fit every post but definitely fit y any point check INS and things like that 1w
AnnCrystal Thanks @PuddleJumper 😎👍💝. Looking forward to learning who my team lead is...📚👏☺️👍💫. 1w
PuddleJumper @AnnCrystal No problem, it's all new for everyone! The other leads should be posting soon, I think everyone has been sorted now 1w
AnnCrystal @PuddleJumper wonderful! Thank you 😉👍💝. 1w
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