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Bad Girls Don't Die: From Bad to Cursed
Bad Girls Don't Die: From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
12 posts | 40 read | 9 to read
Alexisis the last girl you'd expect to sell hersoul. She alreadyhas everything she needs--an adorableboyfriend, the perfect best friend, and a little sister whos finally recovering after being possessed by an evil spirit, then institutionalized.Alexis is thrilled when her sister joins a club; new friends are just what Kasey needs. Its strange, though, to see how fast the girls in The Sunshine Club go from dorky and antisocial to gorgeous and popular. Soon Alexis learns that the girls have pledged an oath to a seemingly benevolent spirit named Aralt. Worried that Kasey's in over her head again, Alexis and her best friend Megan decide to investigate byjoining the club themselves. Atfirst, their connection with Aralt seems harmless. Alexis trades in her pink hair and punky clothes for a mainstream look, and quickly finds herself reveling in her newfound elegance and success. Instead of fighting off the supernatural, Alexis can hardly remember why she joined in the first place.Surely it wasn't to destroy Aralt...why would she hurt someone who hasgiven her so much, and asked for so little in return?
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From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
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Book 2 in this trilogy. The story has interesting parts like this society where Kasey joined, the ritual, the story about the ritual and the impact of that ritual in these students. Again will see the dynamic between sisters and friends. The spooky part was interesting as a YA story. I still think that the whole trilogy could be integrated in 2 books 3⭐️
October #BookSpinBingo (#16) @TheAromaOfBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! 10mo
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5 💫💫💫💫💫
This was an excellent #YoungAdult #Horror novel. There's lessons learned about morals, and choices about fate, friendship and family. There's an Ouija Board and a cursed book involved with an evil spirit pretending to be helpful. I liked how these young ladies learn about bullying, beauty and true friendship. #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
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From the ending of the previous book in the series, I didn't have any clue how this sequel would play out. Like that the plot is new and there is a new 'threat' not as creepy as the first book but still on the eerie side, definitely more mysterious. Alexis seemed to not be her rebellious self and more mean to her sister which is odd considering the events of the previous book, but I liked seeing her more involved with the bad happenings

abookdragonsretreat and be more targeted instead of looking in from the outside. The romance was a bit annoying in this one as it was push and pull due to Alexis' change in behaviour, but I'm hoping it ends well in the next book. I really enjoyed the plot twists near the end of the book, I didn't expect them so was fairly pleased. The ending wrapped up pretty quickly again but it didn't end in a good way, and I really excited to see how things continue!
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From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender

"Sometimes you have to break something down so you can build it up stronger."

From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender

I‘m wondering if it was the narrator for the audio book or if it was the writing in general but holy shit I found Alexis and Kasey to be especially whiney in this book and it drove me insane. The story line was okay.... I don‘t know the hook was just ok for me.

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1. It really goes back and forth between audio and physical book
2. I have big feet- size 11
3. Peanuts and peanut m&ms
4. The office and parks and rec
5. @Smangela


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I am LOVING this author! This is my 3rd book by her. Can't wait to read the next in the series!!

Simona Welcome to Litsy and have a great fun❣️ 8y
Joybishoptx Thanks! 8y
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From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
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This book brought so much mystery and darkness to the second instalment that it was such an amazing read. The story plot was different but it had the same elements that made it that much better. And with these last seven words of the book.. I can't wait to read the final novel!

JohnG You really seem to like this author. What genre are the books? 8y
ashley_liz Mystery-Thriller. It's quite good if you like that kind of genre. 8y
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From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
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Well.... This can't be good!!!

JohnG An interesting quote 8y
ashley_liz Really sets the tone for the plot of the book I thought. 8y
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From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
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Before I even read this book... I thought I would just write a small comment... PLEASE let Alexis have an easier time in this book. I plead with the book gods that everything turns out okay....
Sincerely, a huge fan!

From Bad to Cursed | Katie Alender
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Open this book and before I can even start the book, I'm already happy just by looking at the acknowledgements. Love how Katie Alender not only thanks the readers, but also those who are helping support her books. Means a lot to someone who is going through for a library tech.

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Checked this out from my public library on Friday! Excited to see where this story takes Alexis and her friends. Hoping for another happy ending!